Archive for the ‘Lawyer Website Design’ Category

More In-Depth Ways to Use Google Alerts for Your Law Firm Website or Legal Blogs

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Assuming you are already using Google Alerts—and presumably already loving it, there are some easy searches you can run that you may not have thought of which can give you some amazing results in your inbox each day. Additionally, if you want more accurate results from your Google Alerts, you will need to utilize some of the advanced search options or search operators in order to narrow your searches.

Advanced Search Options

In other words, if you are interested in receiving the latest legislation regarding DWI in your state, you might type in DWI+Texas+legislation. Enclosing your search results in quotes, and using the minus sign (-) to filter out unwanted results can also give you much more precise Google Alerts results. On each search term you will set how often you want the alert to be sent, so for topics you want to keep an eye on, but are not critical, selecting “once a week,” may be appropriate. For topics which you need to be apprised up the second after they happen, then you will, of course, set “as it happens,” for frequency. Many people simply have a blanket setting of once per day for everything, however this can potentially give you many legal alerts you don’t need or want.

When setting how you would like to receive your alerts, you can check e-mail or RSS feed; if you choose e-mail, you will receive a separate e-mail for each alert you create, or you can subscribe to the RSS feed in Google Reader rather than e-mail. You will next need to tell Google exactly which information to include in the search, whether news, blogs, web, comprehensive, video or groups. Depending on your search terms you may want to only search in blogs, or news, or you may simply use “comprehensive” for most of your search terms.

What Search Terms Should I Use?

First and foremost, do a “vanity search” for your own name, your firm’s name, or your blog’s name in order to find out when your name or your blog is mentioned by someone else. You can set it up as “Richardson Law Firm,” Robert+Richardson+Lawyer, or even Richardson’s Legal Blog. If your name or your firm’s name is fairly common, put it in quotes. You can track incoming links to your legal website or legal blog by inserting your blog’s URL which can track links from other sites to your own site. Use the highest URL level where you have content for your site links, and if you want to track incoming links to a specific post, enter the post’s exact URL.

Check Your Own Content for Plagiarism by Others

Sometimes content can be “stolen” unintentionally, or sometimes content can be stolen using robots which strip out links so the post remains primarily text. You can set your search terms for “specific phrase from your content” which will immediately tell you if someone else is using that amazing phrase you thought came straight from your own creative mind. Unless your content is, in fact highly creative and original, it is likely you will receive lots of alerts regarding the portions you are having checked.

Check for Your Favorite Topics

If you are currently working on a specific brief, or a particular case, you can set search terms for the topic—you will soon realize what a great way this can be to research a topic and see articles and posts where others are talking about the subject as well. Narrow and refine your search topic through the use of (+,-,””, or, not) or through search operators (link:, site:)

As long as you don’t forget that Google Alerts is neither 100% foolproof or reliable, and that it only sends alerts when new pages enter into the top searches, you should greatly enjoy the results your receive from Google Alerts. You may also want to try out Yahoo’s similar service, called, appropriately enough, Yahoo! Alerts.

FREE ADVICE from top law firm Internet marketers is available by calling (769) 218-6099. No sales pitches, just real advice!

Law Firm Blog Maintenance Tools and Content Management Software

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

Since you already (hopefully) have your legal blog up and running and are reaping the rewards from a job well-done, don’t forget the importance of constantly maintaining your legal blogs. You can choose to update your blog or blogs the old-fashioned way—by hand, one at a time, or you can use a tool like, which allows you to update them all at once, although you must compose a blog post to do so.  You could also use RSS, which stands for Real Simple Syndication and essentially allows you to find or create an RSS feed which updates your blog in a more mechanical way, through an RSS URL feed, which feeds data you have chosen as content you would like to see on your blog as updates to your blogs. This method does definitely lack the personal touch, but can be somewhat effective. Beyond these two methods, there are plenty of maintenance that should be done on a regular basis to ensure your blog sites remain worry-free and exceptionally effective.

WordPress Applications Which Need Regular Checkups

WordPress can be an absolutely fantastic for your legal blogging, as it is generally full of features, fast, and works flawlessly—at least the majority of the time. Sometimes, however, we human beings play around with the program, installing themes or plug-ins, which can eventually make WordPress go crazy. To ensure your blog problems don’t have a runaway, make sure you do regular check-ups and maintenance such as:

  • Check your feeds—they can be broken without you even knowing it, so test them well.
  • Contact pages can be broken as well without your knowledge—check them often.
  • When you set up your blog WordPress automatically fills in the About section. Specific themes may display your About section on the main page by default, so make sure the information provided is always updated and filled out to avoid seeming unprofessional.
  • Make sure you check the bottoms of every page as they can appear to be working properly while hiding an error at the end.
  • Adsense Ads can confuse GoogleBot, causing it to show irrelevant ads on your blog which can be extremely detrimental; look into some of the plug-ins out there for targeting Adsense.
  • Be sure to check your link bar for broken links; you don’t want dead links sitting in your sidebar wasting space—and people’s precious time.

WordPress Plug-ins Which Can Help Your Legal Blog

Once your law firm’s blog has been up and running, for months, or even years, it is a sure bet that some of your links will be broken. Use Broken Link Checker as a plug in on WordPress to automatically find broken links, saving you time. Word Press Antivirus checks your theme for any lurking malicious code; you can easily enable a daily scan to ensure nobody is able to insert malicious code. Akismet is a spam-fighting tool for WordPress which can totally eradicate spam on your blog, and Redirect can help you redirect (hence the name) all URLs to the settings of your choice, thus preventing Google from thinking your site has duplicate content. Finally, the WP Security Scan can check to make sure your WordPress installation is secure by looking at several different factors including password strength and database security.

A Few More Tips for Legal Blog Maintenance

Blog maintenance also includes refreshing your header banner and site images on a regular basis, at least monthly, in order to keep the site looking new for your visitors. We humans tend to pay more attention to any site if we have the perception it is different, even slightly. Check your sidebar links for dead links, making sure it remains fresh and relevant, and that the sites you link to are current and are consistently providing content of quality which you support. Your content pages are essential to the success of your website so should be consistently updated with quality content, making them valuable to your readers and potential clients. Make sure your About page is consistently updated with content and photos. Perhaps someone in your firm has recently won a high profile case, or your firm is adding a specialty, these things definitely need updating. Consider enhancing and expanding your top five blog posts of the month; look over them and look for any outdated information, or take direction from the questions or comments your received on a particular blog. All of these tips, if done on a regular basis can ensure that your legal blog remains high in the search engine rankings, bringing traffic, thus revenue to your law firm.

How to Connect Your Legal Blog to Twitter—and Why You Would Want To

Tuesday, November 16th, 2010

You are likely wondering in what possible way it could  benefit your law firm’s blog to be connected to Twitter-after all, how much good can a mere 140 characters possibly do? Well, let’s talk about how it works before getting into the why you care. After you sign up and create a user name on Twitter’s web site you can post short messages, called “tweets,” which appear both on the law firm website and on cell phones and other applications. Once you are a member, you can choose who you want to follow, whether it is someone you know, or merely someone who sounds interesting. Others can do the same to receive your messages, and if you prefer to be a bit less public you can control the visibility of your messages to only those people you approve. Okay, simple enough, now the “why” of connecting Twitter to your legal website’s blog pages.

Expand your Contacts

Through websites, blogging, speaking, or being a part of bar committees, most attorneys are pretty well networked, yet you may be pleasantly surprised at how many new contacts you can make—many of them with incredible potential value to you and your firm. Like everyone else on Twitter, you will have a profile page with links to your firm’s website or blog. Just as you may click on other blogs that sound particularly interesting, so will others do for your blog.


Our own first impression of Twitter was simply “way too much information.” Perhaps that was due to the fact that I was reading tweets belonging to my elderly aunt and several of my cousins in New York. While Twitter can provide a glimpse into the lives of others, it doesn’t have to be an inappropriate glimpse which can tarnish your image as a professional lawyer. If your posts show you writing a brief, preparing for a deposition, this only increases the image you want to portray as a hard-working attorney. If, however, your posts tell others you are going out for drinks with the guys, or taking a nap, think twice about how this information appears to your followers. In other words, Twitter can enhance your image or degrade it, and you know which one you’re aiming for.


Many lawyers and law firms already use Twitter to send out news and press releases by posting a headline with an accompanying web link. Think about how often most people check their cell phones, even when at work. You can get out the news that is important to your firm, quickly and easily to a multitude of people—what could be better?

Bring More Traffic to Your Website

Any time you post something new or different on your website or your blog, mention it in a tweet with a link to the full post. There are some tools you can download (such as Twitterfeed) that will let you do this automatically, anytime you post to your firm’s blog. This is an almost sure-fire way to bring more people, most especially potential clients to your website. Once there, they are likely to take a look around, and, if they are not in the market for an attorney, they can tell a friend who is. A California blogger was threatened with a lawsuit over comments he made online, he immediately turned to Twitter to find an attorney—you can find clients and they can find you. This sounds like a near-perfect setup!

Talk to Colleagues

Some lawyers ask questions via Twitter, comment on pertinent news, or share articles; you can reply to others either publicly or privately. You can send a direct message to anyone on Twitter, which is visible only to them; kind of like instant messaging if you need a quick question or answer from a colleague. By monitoring the tweets among your circle of colleagues, you will be able to get a handle on the current topics, or see what people are saying about your firm, your client, or your services.

Get Court Updates

Although your particular city may not have jumped on the Twitter bandwagon just yet, courts in Philadelphia recent launched a Twitter feed which contains news and announcements relating to the court. We expect more courts to follow suit shortly. You could quickly find out if a judge is out for the day, affecting your own schedule, or other items of interest. Not only federal agencies and members of Congress are using Twitter, but the even the White House! You can find a list of federal government Twitter feeds at Twitter Fan Wiki.

Twitter can be a great asset to your law firm and your practice, as long as you always consider the consequences before posting. In such a casual setting, you can unwittingly create an attorney-client relationship or overstep an ethical rule, so to avoid getting yourself into trouble, be very aware of the results of your posts.

Want FREE HELP and ADVICE concerning your law firm Twitter and social media marketing? Call (769) 218-6099 for more information today by speaking to an expert, not a sales person.

Changes That Can Hurt Your Legal Website’s SEO

Monday, November 1st, 2010

It is likely that you usually read about all the things you can do to improve your legal website and make it stand out from all the rest. However, there are things that we do without thinking too much about them, which can really hurt our website.  Remember that one of the factors responsible for the traffic your legal website attracts is the inbound link profile to your particular site. If you make substantial changes to your website, you have to consider whether or not those links are still valid. While the search engine can’t necessarily determine whether the links are still valid, what they can do is reduce the effective value of the inbound links until they see if people are removing your links after changes to your website.  If you want to keep the ranking of your law firm website stable, then you should think about the following issues, especially if you have recently implemented or are contemplating changes.

Watch Out For Duplicate Content

Having duplicate content on your website can seriously destroy your search engine ranking position. If you’re wondering what constitutes duplicate content, this basically means having the same content on two or more pages of your website. You may have even done this deliberately in an attempt to reiterate or emphasize certain aspects of your law firm’s specialty, but be aware that Google is not a fan of duplicate content. Keeping archive pages on your site can also fall under duplicate content unless they are indexed through your robot.txt. You could also write custom summaries of your legal articles rather than posting the entire post on the main page.

Domain Change

If you have started out your website using a .net, and are now able to obtain a .com variant of your domain, you may think this is a good thing, but beware of making this type of change, as it will be seen as a huge change by search engines, especially if you also add in a website re-design. While change can be good, this is one you need to be very cautious of. Should you implement a relatively simple domain change, the search engines may believe that people who linked to your old domain will no longer link to your new domain. Even if you properly implement a 301 redirect, you may still have significant setbacks in your website traffic. Even if you have only implemented a new content management system, it may still take weeks or months for search engines to “get it”, leaving your legal website being vulnerable and somewhat devalued.

Theme Changes

If your legal firm currently specializes in personal liability, but is branching out into family law as well, it will take time for the family law section to receive the trust and authority conveyed by the current inbound links, and the value of the personal liability links may also end up being devalued. A theme change may seem obvious to we humans, but to search engines, even adding a significant amount of content to pages that previously had only a directory of links can be seen as a significant theme change. Be careful when implementing major theme changes to your law firm’s website unless you are prepared to be bumped back a few spaces and scratch your way back up to the top.

Appearing to Change Owners

Search engines relate the way one website links to another to trust in the owner, therefore the question begs, “if the owner changes, is the trust still there?” Many times the search engine may offer a resounding “no” to that question. If you have only changed the e-mail address of the administrative contact it will not likely be seen as a major change or violation of trust, especially if you are not making other significant changes at the same time. However, changing the name or address of the registrant is likely to be interpreted by search engines as a change in owner, so avoid making major changes to your legal website and a change to registrant name or address at all costs. If you must change the registrant, do it as a standalone, then wait before making any other changes.

The main principle you must remember is that search engines use algorithms to make their complex determinations when deciding who gets ranked highest, and algorithms are still not quite as smart as a real human being at figuring out exactly what a material change consists of.

Want FREE ADVICE from expert law firm website design and search engine optimization experts? Call (769) 218-6099 to speak with experts, not sales people.

How Will Google TV Change How Your Legal Website Operates?

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

There is a good chance that the new Google TV—just announced in May of this year– could have a much larger impact on the Internet than we can imagine at this point.  If you feel like you’ve been left out of the loop, and are wondering what the heck Google TV is, well….Google TV is essentially a software platform which, for the moment, Logitech, Sony, and DISH will support. Google TV will sit on top of your existing DISH satellite, etc., and should be compatible with whatever you presently use whether it is cable or satellite box with all relevant subscriptions. Once you start the Google TV device you will be greeted by a simple search bar, much like the search bar on your computer. You type in what you want to watch, whether it is a television station, or a particular show.

Should you wish to watch something that only exists on Amazon’s streaming service, you’ll be taken to Amazon’s webpage through Chrome where the video will stream. With this hybrid mixture of web and television, you can view multiple sources of information in multiple panes on your television screen. Google TV’s hardware specs include Bluetooth and Wi-fi, enabling you to load a webpage on your Android phone and beam it directly to your television set. And speaking of Android—Google TV includes complete access to the Android App Store, and believes that most any app will run fine on Google TV.

Online Advertising

So now you know what Google TV is, just how does it affect your law firm and your legal firm’s website? Well, Google is placing their search at what could possibly be the best place to reach us in our own homes—the television set. Google TV puts the entire web right at your fingertips any time you watch TV; if you happen to see a commercial for an item, or hear something interesting mentioned in a television show, you can then flip over to the web, find the item, and buy it—without ever leaving your couch.  Google TV will put national advertisements—your ads—right in front of multitudes of eyes.

What to Expect With TV Advertising

Television allows you to reach a much wider audience than virtually any other advertising medium, allowing you to expand on the benefits of your law firm’s services, building a trust in your firm’s name, while generating awareness and demand for your services. Television ad campaigns require time and commitment to allow you to reap the very best results; typically ads should air for no less than 3-4 weeks to get your message through and register an impact. Television advertising is a bit different than other types of advertising, and requires a few tricks to ensure your advertisement is noticed.

  • Understand that content is everything; get your users to the content in the most expedient manner possible. Users will abandon a screen when the navigation frustrates them, or they can’t seem to get to the point quickly.
  • Remember you are in the living room or bedroom of your viewers, so think about what viewers would or would not want to do while watching TV with family and friends. Television is a social activity, so consider how groups might use your website as well.
  • Make it as easy as possible by offering simple choices and making actions obvious and easy to select—your navigation must be easy enough for a remote control. Take out anything non-essential, and make the primary action reachable in one click. Make it simple for users to return to their previous location, and limit vertical scrolling as much as possible.
  • Use simple, highly readable fonts and limit each paragraph to no more than 90 words. Break your text into small chunks which can be read at a glance, and remember that light text on dark background is slightly easier to read.

While Google TV may not yet change how your law firm’s website operates, the possibility that it will, in the future, is very strong. With the average American watching over 150 hours of television per month, Google TV will allow you, the advertiser, the opportunity to engage with your potential clients while they are consuming entertainment or information. You will be able to convey your firm’s  message through sight, sound and motion, and build the crucial credibility and trust in your business at the same time. Television advertising can be an incredibly successful way to grow your business, and Google TV is set to make television advertising literally explode.

FREE ADVICE concerning all of your questions or concerns about law firm websites or online marketing. Call (769) 218-6099 to talk with a marketing expert (not a sales rep).

Monitoring Traffic to Your Legal Website To Increase Your Traffic And Relevance

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Monitoring your website’s traffic should be one of your top priorities as you must determine the scope of incoming traffic on your website. Understanding your users and their particular habits leads to substantial increases in your market profits. Ask yourself why your visitors come to your site? Where are they coming from, and how much time do they spend navigating around your firm’s website? Which pages are the most viewed, and which have valuable content, but few visitors? The answers to these questions can give you truly crucial information to enhance the performance of your website. A statistics tracking program can be an invaluable resource which can enable you to vastly improve your web growth by supplying you with the information you need. The ultimate goal, of course, is to understand your visitor’s needs while generating more revenue for your law firm. There are several types of statistics tracking programs available such as:

• Stat Counter
If you are relatively new to the game, StatCounter is a good basic program which is gives you real- time detailed web stats on your visitors. With a simple piece of code on your web page or blog you will be able to analyze and monitor your website’s visitors. You will have a choice of two levels of
service with StatCounter; the first level is totally free and gives you a fair amount of options to track visitors, however it is limited to 100 pages of counting. You can work around this by assigning sections of your website as projects, then each “project” will have the 100 page limit, otherwise upgrade to the second level, which gives you more pages, but costs a fairly small amount. You can go to for more information.

• Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the web analytics solution that can give you deeper insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness by allowing you to see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. Google Analytics will give you the tools to write better-targeted ads, thereby creating a higher conversion website. While Google Analytics is similar to StatCounter in that you paste a piece of code into your webpages, but also has some great tie-ins with adsense/adwords. Google Analytics is also free, and has a huge page view limit, so no worries. Google Analytics is a bit more complicated than StatCounter, but not impossibly so.

• AWStats
If you are a more advanced user, or have someone on staff who is, AWStats evaluates your website statistics, providing a full log analysis which includes the number of visits, the number of unique visitors, including their domains and countries, and many other personalized reports which will aid you in your marketing strategy. This is considered to be the best free program you can get
to analyze statistics on your website, but is definitely not for beginners; you will be required to
upload the program to your server, and probably make some minor modifications, depending on
where you load it.

Once you have a statistics program in place, you will be able to see clearly where your visitors are coming from, how long they spend on your website, where they stop to read, (meaning the content definitely caught their eye) and any other information that can help you make the necessary adjustments to your website in order to generate the traffic you want.

Want FREE ADVICE concerning how to set up and interpret your traffic reports? Call the 11 year veterans of law firm website marketing at Lawyer Success, Inc. by calling (769) 218-6099.

Effective Lawyer Website Design Tips and Law Firm SEO Campaign Advice

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

First impressions, as we all know, are critical, and when visitor’s surf your law firm’s website, they will immediately judge your company strictly on the look of your website.  This could be the first time your visitor has seen or heard of your law firm. They are likely in some sort of trouble, or need, and find themselves in search of the best law firm for their particular issue. While it may seem rather shallow in some ways, the appropriate color choices, image selection, smart page layouts and visually intriguing graphic design will determine if your visitor clicks away to a more visually appealing website or stays put.

Lawyer websites come with a particular set of requirements, the first being the need to combine sophistication, uniqueness and professionalism in a warm, welcoming, and easy-to-understand presentation. The legal profession is still a serious business and while your website must reflect that, it also needs to be accessible to the average person—no “legalese” allowed when trying to bring clients into your firm. Whether you are a small, single attorney practice, or a large, international law firm, you need to leave an impression to your website visitors that your firm, while professional and solid, is also made up of real people who are ready and extremely able to help you.

Custom Legal Website Design

If you hire a professional company to design your law firm’s website, they will ask pertinent questions which will enable them to examine your overall online marketing strategy from all angles. The idea is to reflect your unique business in all its aspects onto your legal website. You will discuss all the components that will come together to create your one of a kind website such as keywords, taglines, slogans, navigation menus and logos. When creating your website, keep these thoughts in mind:

  • Understand search for attorneys; learn how normal people search for a lawyer to represent them on the internet. You might be surprised to find that the words you use to describe your law firm might not be the same words a visitor would use.
  • Understand your website’s keywords–they are the foundation of your law firm’s SEO campaign, therefore you must be vigilant when building your website around your carefully chosen keywords.
  • Use legal industry keywords strategically because each page on your website is a potential doorway to your law firm. More doors=more opportunities for prospective clients to enter in.
  • Use your keywords in the page titles which are displayed at the top of the browser. Each page title should be unique according to the very latest website requirements.
  • Use keywords in your content, however not to the extent that it becomes stilted or unreadable. Use the keywords in their proper context, and avoid at all costs “stuffing” keywords into your content.
  • Incorporate links in your law firm’s website. Search engines follow the online community, which includes what the community is saying about you and your website. For search results to remain relevant, the sites which remain at the top must be rewarded. If a page receives links to it from a site that is already highly ranked, it will help boost the search engine rankings of the receiving site as well.

Creating a website design that will bring you the type of clients your firm wants is a skill and an art; you owe it to your firm to hire the very best website designer around. After all, would you wear your old sweatpants and t-shirt to an interview? Of course not, because you desire to make a great first impression. Your website needs to “dress up” and make the same unforgettable impression.

Free lawyer website coaching calls available by calling (769) 218-6099 hassle free assistance.

Social Networking for Lawyers Including Facebook and LinkedIn

Monday, June 14th, 2010

There is an absolute myriad of information available on the internet. People from every inch of the world have a literal web of information available at the push of a button. Therefore, you must introduce YOUR particular information as quickly and as professionally as possible in order to run far ahead of the pack. One key way to go about presenting the favorable information that you want to be known for is through social networking.

Social networking sites, such as Linkeden and Facebook, are very powerful tools when it comes to marketing your legal practice. There are also social networking sites available to lawyers and lawyers alone. Social networking can make a large firm seem small and personable and an individual seem larger than life. The best possible way to go about designing and maintaining a successful social networking site is to have a lawyer website designer tend to the details of making the perfect lawyer website design. You may be a professional when it comes to law, but the niche of lawyer website design is the profession of lawyer website designers. These are the individuals that could literally make you or break you in the world of social networking.

Also a very cost effective marketing plan, lawyer website designers can spread your practices key qualities amongst an abundance of social networking sites. Your name will be popping up on search engines everywhere, one click leading to a virtual treasure trove of information on your law practice. A sort of amped up directory, lawyer website designers can tweak your listing to be so much more than a simple address and telephone number. You can provide reviews, testimonials, awards, basically anything that you would find as desirable to be known to the public, to be known for.

Another benefit of social networking is the ability to find people that can help you. For example, searches can be done for potential new business and also for business that provide services to legal practices. Jobs can be found as can new hires.

Social networking is beneficial to lawyers in so many ways. A dynamic lawyer website designer with a clear vision of a supreme lawyer website design is detrimental to your practices future. A skillful designer partnered with an unmitigated lawyer could prove to be virtually unstoppable. A successful social networking site could prove to be ultimately the wisest decision you could make to boost your business’ notoriety.

Call Lawyer Success, Inc. at (769) 218-6099 if you would like a free consultation regarding social networking marketing and strategic planning.

Tips to Attract a lot of Traffic to Your Lawyer Website

Thursday, June 3rd, 2010

There is a wide range of websites that are available in this day and age. This is not surprising given the fact that there are indeed so many operations and processes that have migrated online and which are able to give a world of convenience to users. This is one of the main reasons why a lot of lawyers want to use the services of capable and experienced lawyer website designer in order to have a world class website that is all so alluring to users and is also able to attract a number of online users.  As the website deisgn companies specialize into different niches, Lawyer Success has been producing high quality lawyer websites for over 8 years.

When you hire a skilled lawyer website designer, you are able to get across your vision for the website across so that you will be able to get a website that is exactly as per your specifications. This is quite suitable for those who would like to make sure that their website gets a lot of traffic. This is possible only if your website has something distinctive in its lawyer website design specifications that other competing sites are not able to offer at all.

Planning and developing an effective website is tough work and if you want to do it on your own, you risk making the types of mistakes that could cost your ability to have success.  Just as many people could file their own bankruptcy or divorce forms, this is would be inadvisable by any legal professional who understands all the potential pitfalls and unseen issues, it is advisable for you to look at Lawyer Success, Inc. as your partner in effective lawyer website design.

Our website design service produces some of the most top notch and top in class lawyer website designs available to take care of your deepest website designing needs. This is indeed quite an effective and systematic way to go about designing and configuring a suitable website that is able to attract a lot of traffic online.

There are a lot of people who are looking online for legal services. If you are able to put out unique and attractive content to catch their attention, you would be able to ensure that this catches their eye and that you would be able to garner a large part of the market. It also helps to have it optimized n terms of search engine optimization so that you are able to get a lot of traffic that can get translated later into dollar value business for you. This is the basic objective of a lawyer website and if you are successful you will be amazed at the results.

Call Lawyer Success, Inc today and speak to one of our veteran lawyer website design and search marketing specialists about your needs today. Call (769) 218-6099.

Do Lawyers Need a Website

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

The legal profession is quite dynamic and progressive too. There are quite a lot of instances of this when you find that lawyers as well as their clients are quite clued in about what is happening in the world around them. This is why it has become very imperative for lawyers to evaluate lawyer website design options that would help them have a website that suits them and potential clients very well. We live in a highly networked world and more  businesses today leverage their business assets on the Web this day and age. It is thus natural that people should also expect that lawyers have websites online which is why a suitable lawyer website designer is needed.

Getting online is not a simple task as you need to look at various aspects of the value proposition that is being sought to be put out for the benefit of your clients. An effective and competent lawyer website design process looks at the various variables that are essential to ensuring that the website that is designed is top of the class and is also able to make a difference to your law business in dollar terms. This is where a good lawyer website designer would make it easy for you to know what really ticks and what can get a lot of focused traffic to your website.

With good lawyer website design, it is possible to look at various elements of how to convert mere online traffic into business for you. There would be a lot of unique design elements and also effective SEO that will help you in your quest to gaining the hearts and mind share of clients and prospective customers. The skill of a competent lawyer website designer lies not only in the look and feel of the website but also the fact that it has to be quite attractive as well as appealing.  This is where Lawyer Success makes a lot of sense as it is able to help you get the right kind of design that will get your online law business soaring like nothing else can.

With it is easy to ensure that you get professional advice and superior tips on how to make your lawyer website work. This is the result of years of expertise that this site offers and the many rich experiences in helping lawyer firms in being successful. After all, expertise and proficiency does not come in a day and you need your website to be in safe hands that will make it reach heights of excellence which Lawyer Success is able to assure.

Call Lawyer Success to see the search engine optimization and design samples that have generated results for our clients for over 8 years. We have over 11 years of experience helping law firms of all sizes generate more leads from the Web. Call (769) 218-6099 for a free consultation.