Posts Tagged ‘law firm website marketing’

Engaging Your Web Reader

Friday, April 27th, 2012

While web content writers must place a high portion of their focus on keywords, headlines and word counts, if the words don’t fully engage the reader then nothing else will likely matter. Humans read web content, and most of those humans are first and foremost in a hurry to resolve a particular situation or problem. Even though they are in a hurry, however, this does not mean that they lose their ability to tell the difference between mediocre writing and writing of the highest quality. Mediocre writing will never bring your readers back time and time again even if everything else happens to be just as it should according to the best practices of web writing.

Ways to Engage Your Web Reader

Most all web content will tell their reader in some way or another to take action and which specific action they should take to reach the resolution they want. Writing in the second person makes your web content more personal to the reader and is a good way to engage them and hold their attention. You want your readers to feel as though you are speaking to them—having a face-to-face conversation nearly. When you speak in a personal manner, and use the words “I” and “you,” your content becomes personalized, therefore more engaging. Since only a very small percentage of web readers actually read an article from start to finish, you must hook your reader immediately following your amazing headline which caught their attention originally. Then, if you want your reader to actually read every word you’ve written, you must ensure it is rich, high quality, and full of valuable information or a creative solution to a problem.

Even if your friends refer to you as Ms. or Mr. Webster, curb the use of more difficult words. Remember that the Internet is full of people from all walks of life and your goal is to benefit each and every one of them. The average reading level for a web reader is between sixth and eighth grade, so keep this in mind while you write. You don’t want those reading your pages to have to haul out the dictionary to determine what you are saying nor do you want them to feel uneducated, so write simple sentences with easy-to-understand terminology. Aside from wanting your web reader to fully comprehend your message, you don’t want to appear as a boastful or self-important writer, so bring the word level down a bit in order to keep your readers fully engaged.

Writing for the Reader Who Scans

The majority of web readers scan content rather than reading an entire page in the traditional left-to-right fashion. In fact, web readers tend to read from center to left to right, scanning quickly down the page in order to determine whether or not the solution they are seeking is available. Using point form in your web content writing can help your readers scan quickly through a page. Point form includes the use of sub headings, bulleted lists, numbers and the judicious use of bold words. This is not to say that everything you write should contain a bulleted list—use them when appropriate and when you feel they will allow you to make an important point your readers might otherwise miss.

If you find your subject does not lend itself to bulleted lists, then keep your paragraphs short and sweet, focusing on one point for each paragraph. Try using the inverted pyramid style of writing, meaning your most important point will come first, followed by less important information. Don’t forget to add some humor to your writing and you will be able to fully engage your web reader, possibly even ensuring they will read to the very end of your page.

Creativity with Usability

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Letting Go of the Words When Writing for the Web

One approach to web writing lies in thinking of your writing as you would a conversation with a friend. In other words, through your content you are essentially answering questions about a particular subject, giving information as clearly and concisely as possible. Although you won’t have a human subject to assess how your information is being received, try to anticipate the questions you might be asked and answer them as thoroughly as possible in the most succinct manner possible. In some instances you can use the questions you anticipate as subheadings then answer them in the short paragraph below.

While the goal is not to make each web page you write look like an FAQ page, keeping in mind potential questions and answering them as you write can make you a much more creative writer. Further, using the technique of conversation writing pushes you to consider what your reader really wants to know—why they came to the site in the first place. Web readers want quick, solid answers to life’s very real problems.

If you think of your article as a pyramid which answers the most important questions at the top and works down to the base with the questions of less importance, you will have a better chance at grabbing your reader’s attention and holding them to the very end. If you follow the model of web as conversation, remember that the web reader is an active participant in much of the web’s writings, meaning readers can post responses in many cases which can actually lead to a give and take conversation. Questions or comments posted by your readers can also send your writing in a new direction.

What Does Letting Go of the Words Mean?

If you are wondering about the title of this particular article—letting go of the words—really means, think of the average web reader with little to no time to find the answer to their question or concern. The successful web writer must be able to turn loose of extraneous words while keeping the essential message and information. Of course letting go of words is hardly a novel idea—it is one that is used widely in print content as well. Your goal is to cut unnecessary words, not the words which actually give your writing meaning. Read your article aloud to ensure there are no words which make your content sound vague rather than precise and ditch any of those which fail to enhance your ideas.

When Longer May Be Better

While being able to ruthlessly edit your work is essential, remember that some ideas simply take more words to express, and in the end you shouldn’t cut words to the point that the entire article makes little sense to the reader. Google’s relevancy algorithms happen to be seeking out more natural forms of writing, meaning that if your copy is great—despite the length—you will get as much traffic for the longer article as you will for the small, hyper-focused pages. In theory at least, the search engines are leaning toward richer content, meaning the more complete answers Google can provide, the higher its own value tends to be. In other words, it is to Google and other search engine’s advantage to push for more high-quality in-depth articles—which nevertheless have no extraneous words which don’t contribute to the overall effect.

Structure Your Words

Don’t forget that the structure of your web content is just as important as the words within. Structure the page so it is easily readable, breaking pages up into short logical chunks of copy. In other words, endless streams of copy—no matter how great the message—will not hold a web reader’s attention. Answer your reader’s questions in the most succinct yet creative and innovative manner possible, and you will have succeeded in your quest of great web writing.

Why Eye-Catching Headlines are Essential

Wednesday, April 18th, 2012

Studies show that while approximately 75% of web readers will read the headline copy, only about 20% will continue reading the entire article. While these statistics can dismay hard-working web writers, there is good news for writers who have mastered the art of the headline. Compelling headlines are important in both print content and web content however their importance in web content perhaps edges out that of the printed page. Web content must be shorter than print content, concise and must be able to be easily and quickly scanned. Web headlines must also be short—although must clearly summarize the ensuing article.

The most important keywords must be front-loaded in web headlines and in the short amount of words allowed the headline must be rich with information. Remember that your headline is the first—and possibly only—impression you will make on a prospective reader.Further, this short, snappy headline which is chock-full of information must also be understandable when taken out of context. While this is not an issue in print content, web headlines often appear in search results without the accompanying article. Finally, a web headline allows the web reader to decide whether they even want to read the accompanying article so it must grab the reader by the collar and refuse to let go. If this sounds like a pretty tall order—it is!

Why Every Word Must Work Hard for Its Living

As you can see, headlines convey the essence of the story without requiring a click. We web readers are stingy with our clicks, and don’t want to waste them on anything which has no benefit to our specific situation. A great headline tells you with a fairly high level of certainty whether you will be interested in the rest of the story. The average headline is a mere five to eight words, so imagine the wealth of meaning which must be squeezed into such a tiny space.

Tips for Writing Persuasive Headlines

Many web writers only think of SEO keywords in terms of improving their story’s rating on Google. It’s important to remember that those same keywords can grab your web reader’s attention, causing them to click on the site. Asking questions in your headline can be a great tactic for stirring up curiosity and generating interest and discussion. Don’t be afraid to be a bit provocative, or even a tad shocking in your headline. Yes, you run the risk of offending a small percentage of your readers, but you may also pique the interest of hundreds or thousands more who will click on the link and read the story simply because of the tantalizing headline.

Should You Go for the Clever Turn of Phrase?

Because today’s web reader leads an incredibly busy life, remember they simply don’t have the time to study your page to determine whether it’s relevant to them or to their specific issue. The web reader relies on you—the writer—to tell them in a succinct manner whether the copy is worth their while to read, and you do this through your headlines. While a catchy or clever headline which gives the reader a good feel for the remainder of the article is great, a clever headline which is not followed by a great article can leave the web reader feeling cheated.

Specific Headlines Which Work

The “how-to” headline is one of the best ways to grab the attention of your reader, letting them know exactly what will follow. While how-to titles are extremely relevant they must nonetheless be used judiciously, and you absolutely must follow through with the answer to the how-to question or your reader will feel cheated. Try combining relevance with results in your headline and remember that above all else your readers are looking for the beneficial outcome even above a product or service.

Cutting the Fluff on Web Text

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Since web content should ideally be about 50% of the length of the printed word it is imperative that web writers learn to ruthlessly cut any extraneous copy from their web content. Most writers learned to write using a particular “formula” which included an introductory or lead-in paragraph. Web readers tend to completely skip the intro paragraph, skimming the page for more actionable content including features of a specific product, a bulleted list, or hypertext links. This means that should you use an introductory paragraph in your web content it must be short, snappy and get directly to the point by quickly explaining the purpose of the rest of the page. In other words, an introductory paragraph on a web page is never the place to add filler or platitudes.

Why Write an Intro at All?

Despite the fact that web readers tend to skip introductory paragraphs, they nonetheless have a valid role when writing compelling web content. Intro text can give the web reader a quick answer to the question of: “What’s this page all about?” It can also offer a context for the content which follows, but must set the stage quickly and in a no-nonsense fashion. Let your web reader know exactly what they will gain by reading the remainder of the page and do so compellingly or your web reader will be gone in the click of a finger. Even if your web reader initially skips the introductory paragraph, if it does not look long or intimidating, they may return later to gain a bit more insight into the subject. Make sure your introductory paragraph answers “what” the reader will find on the page and “why” they should care, and you will have a successful web intro.

Get to the Point and Solve the Problem

The primary reason a web reader is reading a particular site is to get specific information. The web reader wants their problem or issue solved as quickly as possible so they can leave the site and get on with their life. Most web readers are either looking to purchase a specific item, or have a question or concern they want answered immediately. The dog has swallowed a popsicle stick—what should I do? What type of resume’ grabs an employer’s attention? What will the weather be like tomorrow? What entertainment is available in Austin, Texas? These and hundreds of thousands of other questions need answering, and those answers must come in the most expeditious manner possible.

What Makes a Good Web Page?

Good web writing sticks to the facts, is simple to read and understand, and offers the web reader relevant information. Short sentences and relatively simple words are critical since the average reading level for American web readers is between sixth and eighth grade. Don’t use more than one idea per paragraph, and do your best to summarize the paragraph in the first sentence. Keep paragraphs around 5-7 lines long—once you think you are done, re-read and omit all the unnecessary words. Meaningful and informative sub-headings help the reader scan as they separate groups of information. Bulleted lists are great for offering specific facts in a concise form, but don’t overdo.

Keeping Your Web Reader’s Attention

Never assume your reader has read the preceding pages such as a print reader would do. Web users can enter a page from a variety of points therefore each block of text must stand on its own. Remember, if you are unable to hold your reader’s attention from paragraph to paragraph, other tempting distractions are simply a click away. Placing a compelling image on your page may coax some readers to stay and read however you must ensure the image doesn’t completely distract from the text. Asking questions is a good way to keep your web reader’s attention focused, especially if that question is germane to their own life and the answer could make their life easier or better in some way. Humans are curious animals, and when a question is asked we want to know the answer. It is imperative that you use concise details and snappy narrative if you want your reader to read your page from start to finish, so do away with the fluff and alter your concept of the “proper” way to write good copy.

Expectations of Your Web Reader

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

Meeting the expectations of your web reader can be challenging, to say the least. Today’s web readers are savvy, yet exceptionally busy and demand genuine, high-quality content. This is a choosy group, therefore your goal should be to target your readers and speak directly to them. Words are powerful tools and while there is a great deal of substandard writing on the web, the trend is thankfully shifting toward content full of significant information, value and importance. In short, any content published online should contain a level of relevance which raises the rank of the pages.

Differences Between Web and Print

There are significant differences in web content writing and print writing, most particularly the necessity of including keywords in your writing. Writers must first understand the importance of keywords then use them judiciously. Writing should be concise and relevant and should provide the specific information your reader is seeking. Web content must also be significantly shorter than print—the average web reader spends less than four seconds deciding whether they want to read an article on the web or not. If all they see is a vast expanse of copy, they will likely look elsewhere for their information. Headlines are critical when writing for the web as are short, simple sentences, short paragraphs and the use of bulleted and numbered lists.

Capturing the Interest of Your Readers

As stated, web readers are busy and are usually looking for specific information about a particular subject. They want to know how to do something, want to purchase a specific item, or need information about a particular subject. They want this information quickly and they want it to be easily scannable. The reader’s interest should be hooked immediately with your gripping headlines then held onto tightly with captivating sub-headlines, an engaging intro and copy that follows through on your promise. Your reader’s expectation is they are about to find the answer to a burning question, problem or issue, relevant information which will improve their life or possibly a compelling, informative article which holds their attention to the very end.

How Important are Headlines?

The headlines of an article could very well be what keeps your reader engaged until the very end. Your headlines should be so catchy and interesting that your reader is compelled to continue reading. If you can convince your reader through your headlines that they will be missing something vitally important to their life should they neglect to continue reading, then you have done your job well. Your headlines are essentially a promise to your reader and should provoke some type of emotion, inspiring them to take action. Dress up your headlines with descriptive adjectives and give your reader’s a hint of what’s to come—then deliver on your promise in your copy.

The Importance of the Introduction

Once you’ve written catchy, compelling headlines, concentrate on your introductory paragraph as it is the second most powerful element of your writing. Your intro should entice your reader to continue reading, and ideally will begin with a statistic, question or fact which your readers will find surprising, interesting or even shocking. Your intro should leave your reader wanting more, so spend the necessary time to make it great.

Your goal is to ensure you have fully met the expectations of your targeted audience by providing them the information they need while providing high-quality writing. End your articles with some sort of inspiring thought, call to action or even a metaphor which will enable them to remember what they just read, and you have met your goal.

Copywriting Success on Your Website Through Your Offer

Friday, January 13th, 2012

Most new website owners are eager to apply what they already know about direct response marketing to their new Internet business, and there are an abundance of ways in which they can do this, however many believe the offer you make on your site is the most important aspect. In truth, knowing how to get customers or clients is a very valuable talent, both in the “real” world and in cyberspace. If you’ve always been great at bringing people to your business, then you know that there are many similarities when bringing people to your website and getting a conversion out of their visit.

First, Arouse Emotions

In order to get your potential customer to the point where they will actually read and consider your offer, you first have to grab their attention, and hit them in a way that brings their emotions into play. You must be able to tell your story in a way that is not only fascinating, but totally believable, therefore the highest quality copy is essential. You will then offer some sort of incentive that coaxes the reader to take the action you are leading them toward, and finally you will make your final pitch—your offer—and make it as easy as possible for the person to take that action and accept the offer.

Make Sure Your Leads are Highly Targeted

If you have designed your website for maximum SEO, have filled it with the highest quality, extremely targeted copy, along with the most relevant linking system, then the odds that the people who land on your site will find exactly what they want or need is high. In the “real” world, you know that you never advertise to anyone who isn’t likely to become a client or customer in the very near future. On the Internet, your goal is to only lead those who are highly likely to buy your product or read and pass along your informative content, to your site. Adding a component to your site which essentially says, “Let me tell you more,” is good marketing tactic no matter where it’s used. You can do this via e-mail marketing, or having people sign up on your website for your newsletter, or any other enticing offer which will bring them back to your site time and time again.

Your Reader Wants to Know What’s In It For Them

In our incredibly busy world, the time spent on any website by any person is incredibly short. This means you must grab their attention immediately and hold it mercilessly until they have read—or at least skimmed—the entire article or product description. Your reader’s primary motivation in reading your site is to find out quickly what’s in it for them—what’s the payoff, what will they gain from remaining on your site? Keep your headlines short, concise and informative, full of your very best targeted keywords. Your headlines should give your reader an idea of what’s to come, convincing them to read on.

The Actual Offer

If you’ve been successful in keeping your reader’s attention focused on your site, your information, your product or your services—congratulations! Now it’s time to reel them in through your offer. Your goal here is to make the offer absolutely irresistible—impossible to resist. You want the implication to be that a person would have to be crazy not to click on your offer, no matter what it is. Offer your potential customer something that has such obvious benefits that there would be absolutely no logical reason they wouldn’t click the “accept” button. The very best, most irresistible offer will have an incredibly high return on investment for the user or buyer, will have an instant summary of your basic offer, and will have the element of believability. In other words, although you want it to be fantastic, it also must not seem too good to be true. Work hard on crafting your offer, and you will be rewarded many times over.

Can Link Building Be Equated With Real Life?

Tuesday, January 10th, 2012

Link building can, in some rather odd ways, be equated to real life. Meaning that if you have ever read motivational books which tell you to build your relationships and connections with others and persevere in your goals, you can see how this can also be a worthwhile lesson in link building strategies. When you are working hard at search engine optimization in an attempt to boost your website up the ranks, you are likely seeking out other quality websites and asking their owners to exchange links with your own site.

Presenting Your Website in a Positive Manner

If you are already in the process of link building and link exchanging, you are well aware that you must, in effect, sell yourself, just as you do in real life. Think about the last job interview you went on, and you will recall how hard you tried to present yourself in the very best light to a potential employer. The same thing can be said about SEO link building—your goal is to present your website in the most positive manner possible in order to persuade other high quality websites to link to yours, giving you higher rankings.

Dealing with Rejection

Just like in real life, you must expect rejections from time to time when you approach other webmasters and request a link, but don’t let that stop you from your goal of garnering links for your site and creating the very best search engine optimization you can. If you do get a rejection, rather than sulk, take an honest, critical look at your site, and make sure it is packed with relevant content which others would be proud to link to. It cannot be said enough that content is king, and without quality content, your link building strategies will be for naught. If you find absolutely nothing on your site which would bring about a rejection, then simply move on. Sometimes there really is no rhyme or reason for a particular rejection, whether from another website owner or from a person in your “real” life, so don’t spend too much time dwelling on the why of the situation.

Don’t Be Judged by the (Bad) Company You Keep

Mom really was right when she told you that others would judge you by the company you keep. So it is with obtaining links for your websites. You will be judged, both by search engines as well as your readers, by the reputation of the sites you link to and which link back to you. In other words, don’t get mixed up with the wrong crowd, or you may be inundated with spammers. Never link to a site which is not relevant to your own site, and never link to a site which is not the highest quality. By the same token don’t allow others to link to your site if you are not 100% sure the link is mutually beneficial.

Politeness Really Does Matter

Once you’ve chosen several websites which are complimentary (but not particularly competitive), it is time to contact the Webmasters of the sites and courteously ask them to link to your site—while explaining the benefits of doing so. Generally you will offer to link back to them in exchange, but spend some time outlining the advantages to them of linking to your content. Explain where the link will be, and above all, make sure your letter or e-mail is personal. The last thing you want is for it to sound like a mass-produced letter sent out to huge numbers of webmasters. Most of us receive so much spam on a daily basis, that it’s crucial you distinguish yourself from the riff-raff.

One Hand Washes the Other

Many experts advise that you already have a link put on your own site prior to asking for a link in return. When you send out your personalized letter, give the location of the link—it will be harder for the other site owner to say no, when you provide the URL of where the link is. Give the other webmaster sufficient information to make it easy to link to you, and if there is a link you want particularly badly, use traditional voice mail rather than e-mail for your request.

Check Out the Competition

Finally, just as in real life, take a sneak peak at the link popularity of your closest competitors and discover who is linking to them. Then contact those websites and get a link of your own. There is nothing dishonorable in seeing how your direct competitors are making their way up the ladder of success.

So, use common sense and the lessons you have learned in your own life when attempting to build links for your website—the results will be well worth the extra effort.

Monitoring Your Law Firm Website to Avoid Search Engine Penalties

Saturday, October 1st, 2011

Search engine penalties can be bad news for your legal website sending it plummeting down the list into no-man’s land—or worse, being removed entirely. It’s imperative that you check your law firm’s website frequently in order to ensure you are not violating any search engine rules. All the major search engines have their own list of “do’s and don’ts” which tend to change fairly rapidly in an effort to stop black hat SEO and other unethical practices.  If your legal website has inadvertently violated one of these rules, don’t despair, as it is possible to dig yourself out from under these penalties–so long as you take immediate action.

What Causes Search Engine Penalties?

The majority of the causes of penalties by search engines are not ones you will ever have to deal with, as they are deliberate efforts to hustle and con the search engine. Code swapping, also known as cloaking occurs when one thing is submitted to a search engine, then when the user clicks they see something entirely different. This can occasionally be done legitimately in order to prevent others from imitating a successful page of to hide a text-only page for a more visually appealing one. Either way, it will get you a slap on the wrist from your search engine, so it’s important to delete this practice from your legal SEO arsenal.

Keyword and Meta Tag Stuffing

More commonly, websites will be penalized for repeating a word or phrase over and over in an attempt to increase relevancy and move up the search engine ladder. Remember to use  keywords judiciously in your legal website and legal blog, and if you manage your own meta tags, never place your high traffic legal keywords in meta tags when they have no relation to the actual web page. Check your content and your meta tags thoroughly to make sure your keywords are used in a natural and acceptable manner in order to avoid penalties.  Remember that a normal occurrence of keywords in high quality copy writing will be between 2% and 5%. If you repeat your legal keywords to the extent that they make up more than 10% of the words on your page, expect a negative consequence.

Call (769) 218-6099 for a free discussion about your law firm website.

Penalties for Other Practices

Tiny text, page stuffing or duplicate pages and page spoofing are usually done deliberately, rarely accidentally. Those who are attempting to “game” the system will hide keywords by putting them in at a 1pt font—beware, search engines are getting more and more sophisticated and able to spot such techniques. Page spoofing occurs when a page seems to be legitimately developed for a particular keyword, then when the user clicks on it, they are taken to a page with little relation to the original click.

Page stuffing occurs when the same web page is either directly duplicated, or modified only slightly, then submitted to the search engine. If your law firm has multiple legal websites as well as one or more legal blogs, make sure you take extra care not to duplicate content from one to another. This is also known as “mirroring” a site, meaning you have several domains and put the exact same content on each. Whatever the reason, it is considered spamming and can get you penalized.

If your Legal Pages Have Been Penalized

If your legal websites or blogs have been removed for what the search engine considers an infraction, you have two choices. You can get a new domain name and, essentially, begin from scratch, making sure you don’t employ the same tactics which garnered your original penalty. If you had a well-established legal site, however, this is somewhat akin to business suicide. You have likely built your brand name and spent extensive time and money marketing your legal website.

A better idea is to first find out what earned you the search engine’s wrath by contacting the individual help and support branch for each search engine. Once you know what went wrong, then the offending practices or page must be immediately removed. If you have linked to bad sites, get rid of the links. If you have hidden text, remove it, if you have engaged in keyword stuffing, have your content rewritten. You may be required to contact the search engine, admit your mistake, tell them how you have corrected it and beg forgiveness—in other words, fall on your sword. After that, the only thing you can do is wait—it can take as little as a month, or as much as a year for full absolution to occur and the search engine to allow you back into the fold.

Monitoring Traffic to Your Legal Website To Increase Your Traffic And Relevance

Friday, October 15th, 2010

Monitoring your website’s traffic should be one of your top priorities as you must determine the scope of incoming traffic on your website. Understanding your users and their particular habits leads to substantial increases in your market profits. Ask yourself why your visitors come to your site? Where are they coming from, and how much time do they spend navigating around your firm’s website? Which pages are the most viewed, and which have valuable content, but few visitors? The answers to these questions can give you truly crucial information to enhance the performance of your website. A statistics tracking program can be an invaluable resource which can enable you to vastly improve your web growth by supplying you with the information you need. The ultimate goal, of course, is to understand your visitor’s needs while generating more revenue for your law firm. There are several types of statistics tracking programs available such as:

• Stat Counter
If you are relatively new to the game, StatCounter is a good basic program which is gives you real- time detailed web stats on your visitors. With a simple piece of code on your web page or blog you will be able to analyze and monitor your website’s visitors. You will have a choice of two levels of
service with StatCounter; the first level is totally free and gives you a fair amount of options to track visitors, however it is limited to 100 pages of counting. You can work around this by assigning sections of your website as projects, then each “project” will have the 100 page limit, otherwise upgrade to the second level, which gives you more pages, but costs a fairly small amount. You can go to for more information.

• Google Analytics
Google Analytics is the web analytics solution that can give you deeper insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness by allowing you to see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. Google Analytics will give you the tools to write better-targeted ads, thereby creating a higher conversion website. While Google Analytics is similar to StatCounter in that you paste a piece of code into your webpages, but also has some great tie-ins with adsense/adwords. Google Analytics is also free, and has a huge page view limit, so no worries. Google Analytics is a bit more complicated than StatCounter, but not impossibly so.

• AWStats
If you are a more advanced user, or have someone on staff who is, AWStats evaluates your website statistics, providing a full log analysis which includes the number of visits, the number of unique visitors, including their domains and countries, and many other personalized reports which will aid you in your marketing strategy. This is considered to be the best free program you can get
to analyze statistics on your website, but is definitely not for beginners; you will be required to
upload the program to your server, and probably make some minor modifications, depending on
where you load it.

Once you have a statistics program in place, you will be able to see clearly where your visitors are coming from, how long they spend on your website, where they stop to read, (meaning the content definitely caught their eye) and any other information that can help you make the necessary adjustments to your website in order to generate the traffic you want.

Want FREE ADVICE concerning how to set up and interpret your traffic reports? Call the 11 year veterans of law firm website marketing at Lawyer Success, Inc. by calling (769) 218-6099.