Archive for the ‘Lawyer Website Design’ Category

Legal Website Design Services

Sunday, April 5th, 2009

Legal Website Design

Lose Them Fast, Lose Business


Legal website design can be tricky, but it can also be profitable for you and your company.  In order for clients to be drawn to your website to elicit your services.  Be serious about drawing clients to your site.  You get great prices for the services you get.  Help your website thrive with the presentation of your site.



When business clients make presentations to customers, they must be well prepared and have all the information on hand.  A well prepared presentation is the ticket to a client or clients.  Don’t miss out on the chance to have your website presented a most professional manner. 


It has been said that you have approximately five seconds to win or lose a visitor over to your site.  Look at in terms of buying a book at the store.  What’s the first thing you see?  You see the cover, then the title.  After that you flip it over and see the back cover and read the back blurb, if they have one.  Next thing you know, you come across the decision on whether you want to buy the book or not.  Presentation is everything.  Just having a product isn’t good enough.  It must be put in the best light possible.


Finding the right legal website design isn’t hard.  All you have to do is contact Lawyer Success and they’ll get you on your way.  By taking advantage of our services, you will have more clients than you know what to do with.  Get real results with real people, not a call center that will route your question or concerns three days from tomorrow. 


If you need help in any of the preceding strategies call us for a rate quote and a free consultation so that you too can have the best lawyer website in your market. Call (769) 218-6099 today.


Dissatisfied With Findlaw website results? We can help.

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Are you dissatisfiedwith the results of your Findlaw Firmsite?

Many Findlaw customers are concerned about the negative news surrounding FIndlaw and selling Pagerank which has caused Google to levy a heavy penalty against and several of Findlaw’s Web properties. Many of their customers are dissatisfied with the fees they are having to pay to simply host a website.

If you feel you are paying too much and would like to learn about how our company can provide more personalized service, provide more web traffic to your website and save you thousands of dollars please call us at (769) 218-6099. We are a hard working firm that have worked with 9 of the top 10 most trafficked legal site on the Web each garnering 100k-4 million visits per month. We are a direct competitor of Findlaw and we will earn your continued business.

ALL FINDLAW CUSTOMERS RECEIVE 50% off when they sign on with

Google To Build Their Own Web Browser

Monday, September 1st, 2008

Appearently, there is no browser worthy enough for Google to purchase. So in an effort to house the numerous Web applications developed, Google is releasing their own Web browser called Google Chrome. There is word on the relase date, but it is obviously an attempt to circle the Web user and take a hit at Microsoft’s vastly popular Web browser Internet Explorer.

We will be sure to obtain a copy and ensure our lawyer websites are compliant.

Lawyer Website Ego – Why Isn't My Phone Ringing?

Sunday, August 31st, 2008

Have you ever met someone at a party who was so self absorbed and narcissistic that the second they open their mouth you start having this feeling of disgust wash over you? The conversation is strictly one sided, you cannot get a word in, and soon you find that your eyes begin to scan the room to find a way out.

Now in most cases, these “me people” rarely pick up on the fact that their personality is a huge turn off to the people they meet. I am sure they have impressive experiences that would be interesting to most people, but their presentation style is too intense to say the least.

The appearance, messaging and content of your law firm’s website has the same potential of “tuning out” potential clients. There are numerous attorneys who I have spoken with that tell me they receive outstanding traffic to their website, but for some reason they have a large number of “bounces.”

“Bounces” is a web search engine (SEO) term for when someone visits a website and then leaves the site after visiting 1 page or within 8 seconds of visiting the site. Many of the law firm websites that I have been hired to review, almost always first try to sell the client on their successes and are overrun with self flattery and self bloviation.  In many cases that is OK as long as the message and imagery is not too strong or too self absorbed as you are likely to turn away customers visiting your lawyer website.

Your firm, like many others, probably has an outstanding history of success in the legal community. But there is a way to communicate those successess in a more interesting a compelling way. Let our firm review your site and help you gain a perspective on how the public may percieve your firm through your website.

Law Web Templates – What is the point?

Monday, August 25th, 2008

According to Google there were over 390 searches within their index of websites for “Law Web Templates.”  Now this either means one of two things. Number 1 there are a bunch of lawyer website developers out there using cheap templates to rob their customers blind or there are a lot of attorneys looking to develop their own site.

The bottom line is…I have enough sense to hire an attorney to handle my legal needs because they tend to be serious issues and a lawyer has the experience and knowledge to help me navigate the serious and potentially life changing situation. So why put your reputation at risk and/or lose potential clients by going cheap on your Web presence?

Of course, I could represent myself, but that would be ridiculous.  A lawyer web template is just that – a cheap and unprofessional presentation that tells your potential clients that you care very little about your practice.  Perception is reality to the consumer.

With over 8 years of Web design and marketing experience, James Greenier has worked with the 4 most trafficked legal websites on the Web and has given over 3,200 law firm marketing consultations.

Law Web Templates – What's the point?

Wednesday, July 30th, 2008

According to Google there were over 390 searches within their index of websites for “Law Web Templates.” That means either there are a lot of lawyers looking to cut corners by building a “cheapy” website or there are a lot of web designers out there using these cheapy templates to rip off their clients who practice law.

The bottom line is. There is an enormous amount of legal professionals out there who still do not get the full potential of the Web. There is a tremendous amount of business to develop through web marketing. Since that is the case, why do things half-ass. Seriously.

A website that is attractive, informative and well optimized can generate six-figures or more in new income for a small to mid sized law firm. Take it seriously and you can generate solid clients at the absolute lowest cost per lead.

Call us to show you the money – James

How to increase your law firm's website traffic-to-lead conversion ratio

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

The purpose for a website for most law firms is to generate new clients.  One of the major issues that attorney struggle with is how to convert more hits into leads for the firm.  Here are just a few things I receommend to my customers on generating better traffic-to-lead convertion rates. 

1. Make sure the design of your website give visitors an immediate understanding of the services you provide. Make sure your website contains a legal theme. A lot of law firm websites do not look like a law firm website. Use images like law books, columns and courthouse imagery. Tell them right up front with a benefits-laden headline.

2. Simplify your website by making it easy to navigate.

3. Use psychologically effective colors. The color blue suggests quality, trustworthiness, success, seriousness, calmness – the perfect choice for law office web pages.

4. PLEASE register your own domain name. URL’s that contain names like, “Geocities”, “Angelfire” or “Tripod” have amateur written all over them.

5. Back up your messaging by backing up your claims with cold, hard, indisputable and verifiable facts

6. Use lots of call to action. For example, “Call now for a FREE CONSULTATION.”  Also make sure your name, telephone number and street address is posted on every page of your website

7. Use authentic customer testimonials with complete first and last names.

8. Offer a variety of payment options. Add credit card logos to your website.

9. A strong and effective sales letter can dramatically improve your earnings. If you aren’t capable of writing that type of sales letter yourself, hire a copywriting expert to write it for you.

Web Design Tip for Lawyers

Sunday, July 27th, 2008

Your website should have a fast download time!

Our company has performed numerous case studies and have reviewed numerous 3rd party case studies about the importance of quick download times and the user experience.  Through this website user studies we have noted a significant drop off in the number of visitors who stay on the site if a web page takes longer than 15 seconds to download.

If you intend on using flash animation on your law firm’s website, you should always test the pages’ download time to ensure a speedy download time. Flash animation tend to be rather large files and could seriously impact the speed o you law office website download time.

About James

Free Lawyer Website Design

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008

There are a few firms willing to design your firm a free website. Most of the time it is just a way to lure in prospective clients and then perform the old “bait and switch.” In legitimate cases of free web design, a firm is likely to offer it with standard stipulations such as a long term hosting agreement or upgrade charges for maintenance or search engine optimization. Either of these are considered to be a fair business practice.

However, what is most important to your law firm goals and objectives?

Are they short term or long term goals?

These are very important questions especially if you value your domain name. The reason is simple. Search engines place a value on your website once it has been evaluated by the search engine algorithm. If your new website is poorly designed, written, or optimized your domain will have a low value. This could potentially cause you many problems in the future when you desire better search engine rankings.

Call us for a free law firm website design consultation.

Lawyer Web Site Developer – Making the Right Choice

Sunday, June 15th, 2008

Lawyer Web Site Developer – Making the Right Choice

The most important decision after deciding to develop a law firm web site is who you choose to develop the web site. There are four key qualifications that are critical for when selecting a lawyer web site developer.

The most important decision after deciding to develop a law firm web site is who you choose to develop the web site. There are four key qualifications that are critical for when selecting a lawyer web site developer.

1. Consultative-Are they helping to implement your firm’s goals into the site?
2. Expert design abilities- Have they designed sites that you find impressive?
3. Search Engine Optimization- Can they show you how their sites rank?
4. Experience- Do they specialize in law firm web design?
5. Cost- Are they competitively priced?

Let’s break it down.

1. Consultative Approach
An experienced lawyer web site developer should be more of a trusted advisor than simply graphic designer. Your law firm web designer should be an excellent resource for enhancing your law firm’s design vision. Your web designer should be asking you lots of questions about the purpose and goals for the web site project. It is also important that your attorney web site design provides your law firm with ongoing consultation as new technologies emerge.

2. Expert Law Firm Web Design
One of my client’s told me that he felt that his web site is the “face his law firm.” To me, this does make a lot of sense. Many law firms spend small fortunes on making their law office look rich and professional. But many law firms make the mistake of being “penny wise” on their law firm’s web site design. Your law firm web site gives your visitor a clear, visual picture of your law firm.

3. Search Engine Optimization for Attorney Web sites
Search engine optimization for your law firm web site is critical for many different reasons. Image if a very important client was referred to your firm and they were not able to find your web when they searched for your firm on Google – or worse they found another law firm instead. Make sure your attorney web designer can demonstrate their ability to rank their web sites for specific keywords.

4. Law Firm Specific Experience
There are some significant advantages for hiring a web design firm that works exclusively for law firms. There are many ethical and complex issues that must be dealt with to prevent your firm from establishing a “client-attorney” relationship. Many web developers claim to specialize in attorney web design although the reality is they do not. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent these companies from misleading your law firm about their expertise. The best way to verify their claim is to research their company and any parent company on the web.

5. Can They Justify the Cost of Their Services?
Pricing for web site development is all over the board. You can find many “do-it-yourself” web companies for a cost as low as $150 a year. There are some web design firms that charge as much as $250,000 for law firm web development. The average cost of a custom web site design including search engine optimization is around $10,000 for 35 web pages. That figures to be around $225 per page or $50 per hour. Pricing will vary depending on the law firm’s needs and size. Make sure your attorney web site designer is willing to justify or explain the cost of each service they are charging you for.