Lawyer Website Ego – Why Isn't My Phone Ringing?

Have you ever met someone at a party who was so self absorbed and narcissistic that the second they open their mouth you start having this feeling of disgust wash over you? The conversation is strictly one sided, you cannot get a word in, and soon you find that your eyes begin to scan the room to find a way out.

Now in most cases, these “me people” rarely pick up on the fact that their personality is a huge turn off to the people they meet. I am sure they have impressive experiences that would be interesting to most people, but their presentation style is too intense to say the least.

The appearance, messaging and content of your law firm’s website has the same potential of “tuning out” potential clients. There are numerous attorneys who I have spoken with that tell me they receive outstanding traffic to their website, but for some reason they have a large number of “bounces.”

“Bounces” is a web search engine (SEO) term for when someone visits a website and then leaves the site after visiting 1 page or within 8 seconds of visiting the site. Many of the law firm websites that I have been hired to review, almost always first try to sell the client on their successes and are overrun with self flattery and self bloviation.  In many cases that is OK as long as the message and imagery is not too strong or too self absorbed as you are likely to turn away customers visiting your lawyer website.

Your firm, like many others, probably has an outstanding history of success in the legal community. But there is a way to communicate those successess in a more interesting a compelling way. Let our firm review your site and help you gain a perspective on how the public may percieve your firm through your website.

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