Archive for the ‘Google SEO’ Category

How Google Instant Preview Affects Your Law Firm Website SEO Plan and Results

Thursday, January 20th, 2011

Many people are as yet unaware of the small magnifying glass icon on the right of the organic search results you get once you type in a search term; it is called Google Instant Preview, and no one has yet determined how it will affect ultimate conversion rates—it’s just too soon to tell. To be honest, although I took some kind of vague notice of the tiny magnifying glass I had yet to click on it until I read an article about Google’s latest change. Apparently the goal of the new feature is to refine the relevance factor in search results, alleviating the frustration users can feel when they click on a result which has little to do with their original search.

One of the key factors in conversion rate optimization is managing human expectations, therefore it’s a good idea for your law firm to keep a close eye on how Google Instant Preview evolves over the coming months. It will be a matter of significant importance to be able to tell whether or not GIP is becoming popular with your targeted market. And if GIP makes their small little magnifying glass bigger, will this affect the number of people who use it?  Before you read further, do a quick check of your law firm’s website pages to see how they show up in GIP—you certainly don’t want to be the last one to realize that your pages are virtually unreadable when previewed.

After the Preview

If you test your site with GIP and get some kind of funky results—or worse a totally black page—then you must take the bull by the horns immediately in order to ensure your page shows up as it should. Occasionally, if a site has used Flash for a large portion of their page content, weird results will show up in GIP as it doesn’t seem to be particularly fond of Flash. If your legal website is fine when you visit, with content which is relevant to the search query, but doesn’t look at all like this in GIP, your potential clients may move right on to the next results and not bother with yours. If the above paragraph has made you want to rush into a total web re-design, take a moment and regroup. It may be worth your firm’s time and money to wait and see whether GIP proves to be popular enough with your target market to justify the expense of a total overhaul to your website.

If your law firm’s website has already taken care of the core elements such as ensuring your legal webpages have page content closely matched by their descriptions, then you have already promoted conversion from search results that are not previewed.  However even if your firm has done the necessary work on core elements yet your pages just aren’t looking great in GIP, consider that GIP does not affect your ads on the Google Display Network as they don’t feature a preview icon, and neither does it affect paid search results, or traffic that is either PPC or affiliate-driven. These factors alone can be a good reason to hold off on re-designing your legal firm’s websites—for the moment at least.

Future Changes

If the future brings lots of people in your search target market who are becoming enthusiastic fans of GIP, then beyond just fixing your webpages so they look good in preview, you may want to reconsider your overall search strategy. If, for instance, you use affiliates, consider that a large collection of thumbnails can be really difficult to see when the entire page is being shown as a thumbnail. If you are providing an organic search result which is accompanied by an attractive preview, you may end up getting more traffic than a paid result at the very top which lacks a great preview.


The new GIP feature has made law firm SEO even more important than ever by essentially “killing” the second page of a search index. When you are typing into the search bar, Google suggests terms for you, making your search theoretically more effective, but pushing those businesses which are not saturated with content down the line. GIP pulls content from blogs, photos, social media, news and products, so obviously the more places your business covers, the higher your law firm will rank. You can’t simply focus on keywords and backlinks anymore, but need to expand and cover all topics with content related to your law firm. Some believe that Google Instant Preview will increase conversion rates and render more satisfied searchers, and Google has made some suggestions to business owners to help them continue to rank high.

Your legal website’s overall appearance and organization matter more now than ever, so ensure your site is uncluttered, readable and very visually appealing. Eliminate all popups which could appear in a preview pane as it could hide relevant content, preventing users from clicking on your site. Legal SEO is more important now than ever for your firm’s website, so your job is to be super-aware of what your potential clients are searching for. In their own blog, Google stated that using Instant Preview will make searchers 5% more likely to be satisfied with the results they click on—the big question remaining is whether that 5% is really enough to change the way people search.

Free Advice Hotline – Call (769) 218-6099 for free advice from an experienced law firm Internet marketing guru not a sales representative.

New Google Algorithm Update Link Values Effect Law Firm Website SEO

Wednesday, November 24th, 2010

Have you heard about the recent Google algorithm update? It has to do with text links and your law firm website’s content.

Here’s the short version…

Some search engine experts are saying that Google is now placing more “weight” on links found within the actual content of your law firm websites and blogs.  These links are called contextual links.

Google is placing less “link value” or passing less page rank on to links found within your website’s main navigation menu, footer links, and sidebar links and giving more weight to contextual links found within the content of your web pages.

What does this mean to your legal website?

If you use legal content/blog post or articles to promote your web business, generate more backlinks and boost your law firm website traffic, now is the time to step it up and create MORE content. Why? Because Google is telling you to do so!

Want Free Advice concerning legal content writing for SEO?  Speak to an expert not a sales representative by calling (769) 218-6099.  Visit for an experienced law firm website content writing service.

Trends in Online Commerce: How Can Your Law Firm Benefit from Mobile Sales?

Sunday, November 14th, 2010

This week an IDC Retail survey revealed that shoppers using smartphones are expected to account for more $127 billion in sales — more than a quarter of the estimated $447 billion in sales that U.S. retailers will reap this holiday season.

Law firm websites that offer the most advanced mobile strategies and thorough social media efforts will enjoy a significant competitive advantage in reaching more of the existing and future online clientele.

What does this mean for your law firm?

Consumers are becoming more comfortable, and reliant on their mobile devices for online tasks — including shopping for services including legal services. If your law firm website is not fully optimized for mobile use and compatible with smartphone browsers, your law firm will be left behind.

Consider purchasing the .mobi version of your domain name and develop the property to be mobile-friendly. This will attract consumers and will help increase your visibility in search engines such as Google.

Social media is also key to driving mobile success: sites such as Twitter and Facebook are geared to work seamlessly with smartphones. Mobile users have embraced these sites and business owners seeking to succeed in the mobile world can learn from the experimentation pursued by these major online players.

Remain competitive in the face of this wave: plan and execute a mobile and social media strategy that will cater to the growing mobile marketplace.

Free Mobile/Smartphone design advice and SEO advice – Call (769) 218-6099 to speak to marketing experts not sales people.

How Will Google TV Change How Your Legal Website Operates?

Friday, October 22nd, 2010

There is a good chance that the new Google TV—just announced in May of this year– could have a much larger impact on the Internet than we can imagine at this point.  If you feel like you’ve been left out of the loop, and are wondering what the heck Google TV is, well….Google TV is essentially a software platform which, for the moment, Logitech, Sony, and DISH will support. Google TV will sit on top of your existing DISH satellite, etc., and should be compatible with whatever you presently use whether it is cable or satellite box with all relevant subscriptions. Once you start the Google TV device you will be greeted by a simple search bar, much like the search bar on your computer. You type in what you want to watch, whether it is a television station, or a particular show.

Should you wish to watch something that only exists on Amazon’s streaming service, you’ll be taken to Amazon’s webpage through Chrome where the video will stream. With this hybrid mixture of web and television, you can view multiple sources of information in multiple panes on your television screen. Google TV’s hardware specs include Bluetooth and Wi-fi, enabling you to load a webpage on your Android phone and beam it directly to your television set. And speaking of Android—Google TV includes complete access to the Android App Store, and believes that most any app will run fine on Google TV.

Online Advertising

So now you know what Google TV is, just how does it affect your law firm and your legal firm’s website? Well, Google is placing their search at what could possibly be the best place to reach us in our own homes—the television set. Google TV puts the entire web right at your fingertips any time you watch TV; if you happen to see a commercial for an item, or hear something interesting mentioned in a television show, you can then flip over to the web, find the item, and buy it—without ever leaving your couch.  Google TV will put national advertisements—your ads—right in front of multitudes of eyes.

What to Expect With TV Advertising

Television allows you to reach a much wider audience than virtually any other advertising medium, allowing you to expand on the benefits of your law firm’s services, building a trust in your firm’s name, while generating awareness and demand for your services. Television ad campaigns require time and commitment to allow you to reap the very best results; typically ads should air for no less than 3-4 weeks to get your message through and register an impact. Television advertising is a bit different than other types of advertising, and requires a few tricks to ensure your advertisement is noticed.

  • Understand that content is everything; get your users to the content in the most expedient manner possible. Users will abandon a screen when the navigation frustrates them, or they can’t seem to get to the point quickly.
  • Remember you are in the living room or bedroom of your viewers, so think about what viewers would or would not want to do while watching TV with family and friends. Television is a social activity, so consider how groups might use your website as well.
  • Make it as easy as possible by offering simple choices and making actions obvious and easy to select—your navigation must be easy enough for a remote control. Take out anything non-essential, and make the primary action reachable in one click. Make it simple for users to return to their previous location, and limit vertical scrolling as much as possible.
  • Use simple, highly readable fonts and limit each paragraph to no more than 90 words. Break your text into small chunks which can be read at a glance, and remember that light text on dark background is slightly easier to read.

While Google TV may not yet change how your law firm’s website operates, the possibility that it will, in the future, is very strong. With the average American watching over 150 hours of television per month, Google TV will allow you, the advertiser, the opportunity to engage with your potential clients while they are consuming entertainment or information. You will be able to convey your firm’s  message through sight, sound and motion, and build the crucial credibility and trust in your business at the same time. Television advertising can be an incredibly successful way to grow your business, and Google TV is set to make television advertising literally explode.

FREE ADVICE concerning all of your questions or concerns about law firm websites or online marketing. Call (769) 218-6099 to talk with a marketing expert (not a sales rep).

Google Instant and Google PageRank Search Engine Optimization For Law Firms

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Of course, increasing your law firm’s visibility on the web is your number one goal, and hopefully you recognize that the more phrases your firm website is found for, the more likely you will totally capture your target audience. If you have done your job well, and have keywords abounding, you probably have no worries regarding Google Instant—your website probably already ranks for whatever variation Google Instant is recommending to your potential clients. If you have not been quite so diligent, and have focused most of your resources on a handful of keywords, take a deep breath, and try not to panic just yet!

Perform a Google Search for Your Law Firm

Pretend you never heard of your legal firm, and that you are a confused, frustrated, potential client with a specific problem. What words will you type into Google’s search bar? You need to perform the actual searches in order to see what Google Instant will be showing to potential clients. Once you are aware of what Google Instant will be recommending, your next step is to ensure you add these keywords and phrases to your list of what your website should rank for. Make sure you think outside the box when making a list of additional keywords and phrases, and use Google Instant for a world of great ideas. A word of caution before you begin your search—clear your browser history lest Google Instant base it recommendations on websites you have recently visited.

How Important is Gooogle PageRank for Law Firm SEO?

Although Google’s PageRank can be a great tool, it will not give you a particularly accurate indication of how your website ranks on search engines for desirable keywords. Your website’s PageRank is based much more on the number of inbound links and how many pages of content are on your firm’s website. Therefore, the more high-quality inbound links and pages of content, the higher your Google PageRank. Consider, however, that there is a bit more strategy involved than simply building links and adding content—perhaps the more pertinent question is how your website’s PageRank directly relates to search engine rankings for specific keywords.

Anchor Text Variations

Even more important than page titles, meta descriptions and URL structures is the anchor text of the inbound links on your law firm’s website. While you could have huge amounts of links coming into your website, if the anchor text of all those links happens to be something like “click here,” or “visit our website,” you could potentially have a decent Google PageRank, yet not so decent ranking on search engines for your preferred keywords. Bottom line is that the anchor text of your inbound links must be keywords within your SEO strategy.

While Google Instant and Google PageRank can be invaluable tools in your quest for the holy grail of website marketing strategies, the trick is in knowing how to use them to your very best advantage in creating a high-ranking, professional and trustworthy website with lots of happy, satisfied users.

Want FREE ADVICE about Google Instant or Google PageRank? Call the 11 year law firm SEO experts at Lawyer Success, Inc. at (769) 218-6099 for more information and helpful advice.

Is Google a Vital Component of Legal Internet Marketing?

Friday, October 1st, 2010

While “Google” and “Internet Marketing” have seemingly become nearly interchangeable terms, much of your firm’s success with Google depends on how you use this incredibly valuable tool. Too often Internet marketing companies try to take the easy way out by simply linking their legal phrases from a blog onto their clients’ website—not only is this an extremely lazy strategy, but can end up backfiring as well. Google’s “bottom line” so to speak, is about giving people what they want. Recognize this, understand it well, and you are miles ahead in benefits for your law practice.

“Free” Legal Advice?

Many attorneys feel that answering people’s legal questions via their website is akin to giving their services away for free. This can be a short-sighted view; by answering legal questions through the Internet, your firm can actually generate more work, thus becoming more successful. Once you engage “real” people, address their concerns and thoroughly answer their questions, Google begins to see your firm as an authority in their particular area of practice, and will continue to give them higher and higher rankings. The attorneys in your firm are now able to reach out to potential clients, help them, educate them, and build a certain level of trust before a contract is ever signed. Doing business in this particular way leads to your legal website garnering a level of professionalism and trustworthiness you probably had not imagined.  Yes, this is a different game than in the past, but one well-worth learning as the payoffs can be incredible.

Content, content, content!

As we all know by now, creating compelling, professional and educational content can help create a boost in your website’s rankings as users appreciate excellent copy and quite often will spread the good word. When blog posts, social media services, e-mail, forums or other means are used, your website becomes an even “friendlier” place to be, making your Internet marketing program strong and healthy. Content is still, and will likely always be king, and it is probably well-worth your time and money to hire a professional copywriter who is very familiar with your particular practice to create award-winning content.

Google Instant

Google has a new search engine feature called Google Instant which is creating both discussion and controversy in the complicated Internet marketing world. While some fear that this new search engine could diminish the role of SEO’ers, this is unlikely. When we begin to type in a search query, Google populates recommendations based on the words you are typing, ostensibly to save you time. While many times what pops up can be so “spot on” to what you are thinking of that it is almost eerie, yet there are also times where “huh?” is the only response you can muster.  Google gives you the choice of continuing with your own search, or selecting one of their recommendations—Google Instant goes a step further and not only makes the requisite recommendations, but also populates real-time search results based on what you are typing.  If Google Instant annoys you to a serious degree, it can be disabled, and you can happily return to the more familiar Google search.

Will Google Instant Change My Law Firm’s Website Ranking?

The burning question regarding Google Instant, is–will it affect SEO and how your website is ranked? The answer is most-likely not as the same search engine algorithms remain in place, and inbound links, content and other SEO factors are still applicable. Google Instant could, however, influence how users actually search, as its recommendations are based on popularity and quantity of search queries—if your law firm’s website has focused major time and effort on ranking for only one or a few vanity keywords, you could have cause for concern. As an example: If a user is beginning to type “Texas personal injury,” and Google Instant recommends “Texas personal injury attorney,” or “Texas personal injury law,” but your firm only ranks for “Texas personal injury lawyer,” your website may suddenly become less visible. What this should tell you is that if you have poured all your energies into one keyword rather than variations of phrases and long-tail keywords related to your practice and location, you have likely missed the boat.

While Google will almost certainly continue to evolve and change, it is likely we will be dealing with it for a very long time in our Internet travels. To answer the title question……resoundingly “yes!”

For free advice concerning Google SEO for law firm websites, tap into our 11 years of expertise by calling (769) 218-6099.