Posts Tagged ‘google page rank for law firms’

Google Instant and Google PageRank Search Engine Optimization For Law Firms

Monday, October 11th, 2010

Of course, increasing your law firm’s visibility on the web is your number one goal, and hopefully you recognize that the more phrases your firm website is found for, the more likely you will totally capture your target audience. If you have done your job well, and have keywords abounding, you probably have no worries regarding Google Instant—your website probably already ranks for whatever variation Google Instant is recommending to your potential clients. If you have not been quite so diligent, and have focused most of your resources on a handful of keywords, take a deep breath, and try not to panic just yet!

Perform a Google Search for Your Law Firm

Pretend you never heard of your legal firm, and that you are a confused, frustrated, potential client with a specific problem. What words will you type into Google’s search bar? You need to perform the actual searches in order to see what Google Instant will be showing to potential clients. Once you are aware of what Google Instant will be recommending, your next step is to ensure you add these keywords and phrases to your list of what your website should rank for. Make sure you think outside the box when making a list of additional keywords and phrases, and use Google Instant for a world of great ideas. A word of caution before you begin your search—clear your browser history lest Google Instant base it recommendations on websites you have recently visited.

How Important is Gooogle PageRank for Law Firm SEO?

Although Google’s PageRank can be a great tool, it will not give you a particularly accurate indication of how your website ranks on search engines for desirable keywords. Your website’s PageRank is based much more on the number of inbound links and how many pages of content are on your firm’s website. Therefore, the more high-quality inbound links and pages of content, the higher your Google PageRank. Consider, however, that there is a bit more strategy involved than simply building links and adding content—perhaps the more pertinent question is how your website’s PageRank directly relates to search engine rankings for specific keywords.

Anchor Text Variations

Even more important than page titles, meta descriptions and URL structures is the anchor text of the inbound links on your law firm’s website. While you could have huge amounts of links coming into your website, if the anchor text of all those links happens to be something like “click here,” or “visit our website,” you could potentially have a decent Google PageRank, yet not so decent ranking on search engines for your preferred keywords. Bottom line is that the anchor text of your inbound links must be keywords within your SEO strategy.

While Google Instant and Google PageRank can be invaluable tools in your quest for the holy grail of website marketing strategies, the trick is in knowing how to use them to your very best advantage in creating a high-ranking, professional and trustworthy website with lots of happy, satisfied users.

Want FREE ADVICE about Google Instant or Google PageRank? Call the 11 year law firm SEO experts at Lawyer Success, Inc. at (769) 218-6099 for more information and helpful advice.