Posts Tagged ‘Law Firm Website Conversion’

Managing Keywords on Your Law Firm Website to Eliminate Unwanted Clicks

Saturday, September 24th, 2011

If you are fortunate enough to have reached and maintained your legal web page ranking goal, the next step is to commit to a certain level of maintenance to keep them at their present coveted position.   It can be said with reasonable assurance that throughout your attorney SEO campaign you will notice three stages, or three critical areas of importance as they relate to keywords. Occasionally you may see an initial surge or spike soon after your legal pages are published, crawled, indexed and scored. If your pages demonstrate an authority in your particular niche (and they certainly should) they may well remain buoyant, however if your legal site’s keywords have millions of competing sites with the same keywords, that initial spike can spiral downward quickly.

Managing the Rollover Effect

Following the initial spike of your legal pages ranking, you could also see something known as the roll-over effect. This is relatively common especially in legal blog sites in which there are a set number of posts on a page, then the results roll off the page into an archive, or into pages further down the line. The problem lies in those important links on your legal site; when the page rolls into an archive or a page 2, 3 or 4, the links roll over as well, causing your pages to take a significant dip in search engine ratings.

And Finally—the Comeback

Once your legal website has firmly established trust, stability, quality and relevancy, that roll-over dip which likely filled you with dismay will be relegated to only a dim memory. When you are considered an authority on your subject, and those who are searching for answers to critical questions find them in spades on your legal sites, you have likely passed the search engine algorithm litmus test.

Your Ultimate Goal

The goal you should be shooting for is to naturally attract more of the quality potential clients you want, and less traffic you don’t want, and one of the best ways to accomplish this is to consistently focus on keyword selection on an ongoing basis. Keyword management is fast becoming critical to your overall bottom line, therefore each and every keyword in your arsenal must deliver maximum bang for the buck. Be ruthless when you find under-performing keywords which are not delivering conversions. Add new keywords, but only after you have done some in-depth keyword research. Raw query logs and reports are helpful in showing you which terms your potential clients are actually searching for, so take advantage of them. Refine any broad-match keywords or phrases with exact matches; you will see your traffic refined, your conversion rates increased, and your search engine ranking climbing quickly.

Don’t Forget Negative Keywords

Many people are unfamiliar with negative keywords, which are essentially keywords that you don’t want to be found under. Again, check the raw query logs and reports, but look for queries which are really irrelevant to your legal website or legal blog, and add the terms to your negative keyword list. It’s extremely important that you monitor your keywords on a regular basis in order to gauge their continued effectiveness.

Check Out Your Competition

Just as you need to monitor your keywords, you also need to continuously monitor your closest competitors. Although you may be king of the mountain today, other law firms can gain dominance through SEO as well, toppling you from your throne without warning. Because 42% of all searchers click on the top search engine result, it is certainly a position worth fighting for and constant tending to. In the end, just as anything worthwhile requires ongoing attention, so will your legal website and legal blog. Monitor your keywords, add quality content often, strive to include quality links, and soon you will have achieved organic search engine nirvana.

What to do When Your Law Firm Website Copy is Not Working

Monday, January 10th, 2011

A fundamental mistake which is seen often on lawyer websites is website content which talks exclusively about the firm, the lawyers and their accomplishments. You are probably thinking right now—“Well, isn’t that the whole point?” The answer is yes—and no. Yes, your potential clients must absolutely be aware of who your firm is and where your specialties lie, however your clients also want to hear about their favorite subject—themselves! Many of us have been on a bad date in which our companion talked nonstop about themselves for the entire evening. It’s a pretty sure bet that there are few enjoyable memories of that evening and that there was little feeling of connection with the other person.

Liken this experience to how your potential clients might feel should they land on your attorney website and read absolutely nothing except how great your firm is and how wonderful your attorneys are. The bottom line is that most people want to know what’s in it for them, and while they care about your skill sets and capabilities, their interest lies in how those capabilities can help solve their specific problems. The goal, then, is to ensure your firm’s practice areas and accomplishments are framed in the context of how those things can effectively solve your client’s problems. How does your past experience benefit them, and how does your niche area offer better service to them than the next lawyer in line? Your attorney website content must convey what’s in it for your potential clients should they hire you, your firm, your expertise.

Typically, web designers are much more compulsive about the layout and visual appearance of your website than the actual content. Identifying and fixing weak copy can go a long way in offering superior value to your potential clients as well as persuading prospective clients to hire you, and, after all, isn’t that the ultimate goal of your website? Take a fresh look at your copy with the following ideas in mind, and you may find several weak areas which can benefit greatly from a word renovation.

Who—and what—is Your Copy Talking About?

Your copy is talking to whoever it’s talking about. As noted, people are generally concerned with one looming thing—themselves and their problems. If you talk explicitly about your clients, and how you can solve their specific problems better than any other lawyer, how you can help them achieve their goals in the most expedient manner possible, then your website will be all the more persuasive. Try using lots of “you” and “your” phrases and relatively fewer “I” and “me,” and “we.”  Secondly, what is your website talking about? Consider carefully what your ideal client cares about, then tailor your message precisely to answer those questions.

When you find yourself talking about the myriad of benefits you can offer clients, put yourself on the other side of the webpage and give your potential clients some darn good reasons to believe you. Testimonials from satisfied customers are a powerful web tool as are case studies which detail how you helped a client succeed in whatever their initial goals were. High quality articles say—without specifically saying—I’m an expert. Choose relatable problems, then demonstrate exactly how you would solve them. It may seem counterintuitive for a lawyer to give away free advice, but the fact is that the more useful information you give away, the more people assume you know, thus increasing your firm’s ultimate value in the client’s eyes.

Tailor Your Copy

Your copy should ideally read as if you were having an intimate conversation with a client about his problems and how you intend to solve them. Avoid copy which sounds as if any lawyer in America was speaking to a general audience. Understand that being “professional” does not prohibit you from being personal and warm. It’s important to make your initial headline compelling and persuasive, leaving your reader with a desire to read on.  Your headline should imply a clear benefit for your ideal client; starting out with a “how to” or a “why” can be successful, as you are implying that what follows will be useful. Make sure your headline appeals to your reader’s self-interests, and implies some sort of desirable outcome and that it is as specific as you can make it, not to mention unique. In our information age, readers have seen it all—they want a headline that reaches out and grabs them, makes them think, gives them hope, makes them finish the paragraph…then the next and the next.

End Well

Your ending can be as important as your beginning. Once you’ve pulled your ideal client in, discussed his problems thoroughly and intelligently, proven beyond a doubt that you are the perfect lawyer to solve this particular issue, it’s time to make your offer. Tell your prospect exactly what you want to do for him, and what he needs to do to accept your offer by encouraging him to contact you. Make it as easy as possible for your potential client to do just that, by offering phone numbers, e-mail addresses, as well as an inline contact form which strongly encourages immediate action. Guarantees are good, because they tell your client that he simply cannot lose when he calls you—something like an obligation-free benefit in the form of a free initial consultation.

Free Advice – Call (769) 218-6099 for free advice concerning you law firm website copy and law firm website traffic conversion issues. Speak with a law firm website conversion expert, not a sales representative. Call today.