Posts Tagged ‘best law firm seo company’

Strategies for Advanced Link Building

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

If you’ve had your website for any length of time, you are aware that the strategies for search engine optimization are ever-evolving. There is a fierce level of competitiveness in current Internet marketing, meaning traditional methods of getting your site to the top ranking may get stomped on, on any given day. Creativity is crucial, and combining this with varied strategies may possibly offer the only real hope for even the most seasoned website optimizers. So, when building your linking strategies, remember to think out of the box then take the appropriate action to ensure that creative thinking comes to fruition.

Link Bait

Having absolutely nothing to do with catching the biggest trout, link bait is a technique which focuses on content creation, and can come in such forms as video, blog entries, articles, blog postings, pictures or info-graphics. While some experts believe link bait to be a specific technique, others believe it’s a by-product of consistently producing quality content on your site. Link bait occurs when a piece of content is placed on a web page which has been designed for the specific purpose of gathering links from the maximum amount of sources—in other word the specific item is, in effect, the “bait” for attracting large numbers of visitors.

You’ve heard of sites or photos or videos going “viral,” and one extremely interesting page on your site can bring you a huge number of links once someone notices the page, shares the link, etc. Therefore, in theory at least, if you can write great content and submit it to the sites which will get it noticed, then hopefully for you the result is greatly increased traffic. Do a thorough research of your chosen topic and search for other sites which you think will be interested to share your content. Successful link bait will be content written with the intent to educate, it will be relevant and focused, and it will greatly exceed the expectations of your readers.

What is Widget Bait?

A widget is essentially a simple feature which can be added to websites and blogs by copying a snippet of code from one page and pasting into your own. One of the original widgets was the page view counters seen on eBay auctions. Generally speaking a widget will offer the user a specific function to the page it is imbedded in. Because inbound links are so incredibly important in the overall SEO wars, some sites have begun to use widget “bait” in an attempt to increase backlinks. The site develops and distributes widgets which include a link as part of the code you copy and paste.

Once you’ve added the widget, you are either knowingly or unknowingly linking out to the site which distributes the widget. Obviously there is abuse potential here, and, predictably, some are using extreme black hat widget bait. If the link is clearly visible, relevant to the site it links to, points to the page that provided the widget, is a single link rather than many and the anchor text is the name of the site being linked to, then you are safely in the white hat zone. If any or all of those things are not true, beware as Google could penalize you for what they consider unethical linking.

Do You Have Link Magnetism?

If your link campaign focuses on triggering both the emotions and the needs of your target audience through offering incentives as a method of gaining links, then you are engaging in link magnetism. If your goal is to become a link magnet, you must not only be extremely creative, but must clearly identify a problem in your niche, then develop a solution which is then offered as a “prize” to those to link to you. Like widget bait, there is the potential for misuse, so be careful when using this technique.

These three advanced link building strategies are really only the tip of the iceberg, however it can greatly benefit your site to try several new methods in order to see what works the best for your particular site.

SEO for Personal Injury Lawyers – Best Personal Injury Lawyer SEO Company

Sunday, October 5th, 2008

If your law firm has a personal injury law practice then you know the importance of search engines and positioning yourself within the top of the search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, MSN and all others. The fact is we have worked with some of the largest personal injury attorney television advertisers in the country and those personal injury law firms have found a significant number and percentage of their cases and personal injury leads are coming from the lawyer website that we developed and performed detailed seo on.

In many cases, our seo for personal injury lawyers has created the absolute lowest cost per lead over the yellow pages, television, newspapers, billboards, radio and direct mail.

What to not to do when it comes to seo for personal injury lawyers:

  1. Keep putting off your seo and website development or updates – the fact is Google and all other search engines prefer how long a site has been on the Web, how much relevant content about the subject, and how many other “like” websites link to your website. The longer you wait to have your personal injury lawyer website search engine optimization performed, the longer it will take you to catch up to your competitors who already get what it takes to develop Web leads for personal injury cases.
  2. Hire an seo firm blindly – Never hire an seo law firm unless they can provide you with references, and examples of their work.
  3. Be impatient – Most law firms want speedy results. Well, unless your starting with an older domain with existing pagerank and simply needing a redesign with seo than you are in for a wait. Typically early results first appear on search engines such as MSN. Yahoo and Google take awhile for the seo results to take effect.
  4. Hire a company that doesn’t specialize in SEO for law firms only – There are vast differences between seo strategies for lawyers and other types of businesses. There are serious ethics rules that govern your profession, different things to consider to convert web traffic into phone calls, and several other factors that only an expert lawyer seo firm knows and understands.
  5. Never hire a friend or computer guy to work on your website or SEO! – I have seen a ton of firms making this costly mistake. A mistake that causes them trouble with prospective clients, their state bar association, and trouble with search engines just to name a few. Just because your friend, your child or local computer geek knows how to build websites doesn’t mean they should build yours. Your website is the face of your law practice. It will be one of the most important sources of your new clients, referrals and how prospects will evaluate you prior to contact.

How much should I expect to pay someone who specializes in seo for personal injury lawyers. This is a question without merit. SEO is an ongoing process. There is no one time fee if you are serious about seo. Search engines are constantly changing and so your website must as well. SEO involves building on going content, sharing the content with others, revamping the html code, generating interest to your site from other related websites. These fees are a reflection in the amount of monthly work your firm can budget.

Our firm does specialize in seo for law firms of all sizes. About 95% of our clients are personal injury lawyers like you and we have plenty of results and client references for you to call. The bottom line is you can afford our services and you will find us to provide positive results in you law firm’s revenues and balance sheet. Call (769) 218-6099. We have worked with 8 of the 10 most trafficked legal sites on the Internet.

Guaranteed seo results for lawyers

Sunday, August 17th, 2008

Why do search engine optimization firms offer guaranteed seo results for lawyers and some state that it is impossible and not to trust any company that makes this offer?

Our firm does guarantee natural organic search engine placement. The reason is simple, we can make that claim because we have the skills, partnerships and 8 years of proven results to back our guarantee. We also honor our seo guarantee. 

If a company specializes in lawyer website search engine optimization, can prove results, and is willing to refund the money or not collect their fee until the website has acheived the desired rankings, then what is the problem with making the claim?

Just my thoughts on the issue.

Click here to contact our guaranteed seo results for lawyers