The Web is a complicated and yet very simple way to generate high quality legal clients. The problem is, there are many people in our industry who claim to be experienced law firm Internet marketers or search engine optimization experts. In fact, my kids are learning how to create a Web site in grade school.
But I am not about to turn my business or financial goals over to them. Not yet any way. The other issue is most of these “website designers” do not have a clue about the practice of law, the Rules of Professional Conduct that govern lawyer advertising or your the ideal clients to target for your practice.
The bottom line is this. If you realize the full value of having one of the best law firm websites in your market, then this advice will serve you well. First I would like to say that having the best law firm website is going to be expensive, BUT it will never COST you anything! What I mean is; you will pay a decent amount of money to generate leads for your law firm because there are many hours required to generate the amount of traffic needed. It takes 100 visits to your website to generate 1 new law firm client. But it won’t cost you anything as it will become a new profit center for your firm. The wealthy become wealthy by creating multiple streams of income and make the proper investments to launch each new profit center.
So if you want 20 new clients a month, it will take about 2,000 visits per month to generate that volume of business. So how do you generate 2,000 or more visits to your website? Do you run a Pay Per Click campaign? Well, you could but with the average price at about $15 per click and about 1/3 of your clicks coming from your competitors checking your website out, this is not such a great idea.
So, we need focus on four things and do them very well in order to generate and convert as much traffic as possible. In doing so, you can forget about doing any other advertising because you won’t need it. This website generates numerous clients per day for our company and we simply do no other advertising. Think about how much money you would save by cutting out the phone books, online legal directories, Pay Per Click, etc. In fact, we don’t even spend a dime in Pay Per Click advertising at all saving us 1,000s of dollars every single month.
So lets get started. In order for you law firm to have the very best and most effective law firm website in your market we need to focus on 4 things and do them very, very well.
You need a good solution. You need a website that is very professionally designed with simple navigation, content structure and call to action themes throughout. If you want cheap clients offer them a cheap looking website. If you want top cases or top clients, you have to present your law firm in a much more high tech and professional way.
You need the best search engine optimization strategy– If you want Google, Yahoo, AOL or Bing to take notice of your law firm website, return often and index you for the very best keyword phrases, you have to give the search engine robots what they are looking for. That is clean, organized and index-able text content and HTML/PHP code.
You need a Content Strategy – Does your firm write content to generate more traffic or to generate more new clients. They are not the same thing. I have a client who was killing himself every day using Dream Weaver (a popular web page building software program) and creating new pages and new content for his website. He was spending hours just to create a couple of new pages. Worse of all he was writing the wrong king of content. Sure, the content he was writing generated tens of thousands of hits every month to his site but he was not getting calls. I showed him that the type of content he needed to write needed to target the searches people were using to hire a law firm like his. He now enjoys the extra time he has using our system and his “new content” generates many new clients daily.
You need to comprehensive plan for Web Access Diversification – There are so many places to advertise your law practice. New websites are popping up daily. Site like: attorney directories, social media, legal and business networking, article sites, and the list could go on forever. How do you spend your time effectively managing these sites? How do you discover and add yourself to new ones? How do you know which ones to really work and which ones to set and forget? A comprehensive plan along with an experience Internet marketing consultant can make this simple, fast and effective.
At Lawyer Success, we have been involved with law firm Internet marketing and developing the very best law firm websites since 2003. Our founder and chief law firm Internet marketing advisor, James Greenier, has worked with 7 of the top 10 most trafficked legal sites on the Web. Take advantage of his expertise to help get your practice above the competitive threshold and in to success. Call (769) 218-6099 today!
A recent poll of law firms performed by an independent market research firm in Chicago shows that law firms are turning to the Web to generate new business and to position themselves for the future.
* 54% of law firm poll respondents said that they have redesigned their law firm website within the past 2 years.
* 88% of law firm poll respondents said that the are more confident in the Web as far as generating new business today than they were last year.
* 15% of the law firm poll’s respondents said now use Twitter as an alternative method for generating online relationships and traffic to their website.
* Over 83% of the law firm respondents were using at least one other social media site, such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.
If you have any questions related to social media networking for attorneys or if you would like assistance in generating more leads to your law firm, call James Greenier at (769) 218-6099 for more information.
11 years in this business has taught me a lot about how attorneys manage their time. The practice of law can be very mentally exhausting and most attorneys tend to unwind during the lull moments at the law office. However, let me show you how 15 minutes a day can make a huge impact with your law firm’s lead generation and marketing results.
Imagine generating all the new business you could ever want or need by simply spending 15 minutes a day following a step by step program that will generate enormous volumes of leads in to you law practice. Well, why would someone want more business when many attorneys have more than enough?
The answer is simple. By generating more new prospects in to your law practice you can be more selective about the cases and clients you take on. Also imagine slashing your whole entire advertising budget to about what you would pay for a business card sized ad in one antiquated yellow pages directory.
If this sounds good to you, continue reading this…
You found this very website as a result of this program and technique that I would like to teach you. Now you may not elect to do business with us, but 1 out of about 20 visitors will. Each day 15 minutes a day is allocated to following a specific set of procedures that increase our web traffic resulting in new client inquiries every single day.
We are realizing an increase of over 50% in uniques visits to our website over previous month and I am not talking going from 20 visits per month to 30. I am talking about going from 180 uniques per day to over 370 uniques a day. We call this technique the “Google Spider Food” technique. Best of all the web traffic is all relevant traffic, the type of traffic from potential clients that search the Web for services like ours.
This video really demonstrates the technique and shows you the proof of how our system generates enormous volumes of new traffic and new clients to our business.
To learn more call James Greenier at (769) 218-6099.
Are you looking for quality lawyer web page makers? If so, you have found one of the best in the business with Lawyer Success, Inc. Our firm has worked with 7 of the top 10 most trafficked legal websites on the web. We have also worked with over 3,500 law firms throughout North and South America, Europe, and Australia.
Why us? Results Results Results!
Out of the following different service options listed below, which service is most appealing to you? A, B, or C?
A) Cheap website template that costs about $150 per year but generates no phone calls or revenues. But you have a website to refer people to on other advertising that costs 20-50 times more and is declining in usage.
B) An attractive custom designed from one of the big names that costs $10,ooo or more per year and generates a few calls a month. Shown on the 1st page of Google for a few keywords. No support, no substantial increases in traffic month after month.
C) An attractive website and 15 minutes of your time per day following a system that generates 1,000s of unique visitors every month and your phone rings multiple times a day with quality prospective clients. You cut out all of your other advertising saving you 10s of thousands of dollars per year.
If you chose option C., call Lawyer Success, Inc. right now at (769) 218-6099 to learn more about our online marketing plans for lawyers. We guarantee new cases or your money back with our lawyer lead generation solutions.
Why spend $50 or $100 for a professional web site templates law firm design style? The problem with templates is that they end up costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenues because they are not good for search engine optimization and rankings. In fact, you will likely ruin your domain name by using a template. Once Google and other search engines rate your website it is very difficult and time consuming to get a domain to respond to better design and optimization techniques.
Most of the attorneys that call us have realized that it was a serious mistake to throw up a templated website with out the proper SEO and content. The realize that it affected not on their rankings but the lost revenues past, present and future were pretty significant.
At Lawyer Success, Inc. we build law firm web sites that perform fantastic in the search engines and generate significant cases for our clients. These websites include all the features you need to generate significant leads at a price that is more affordable than you think.
Call us today at (769) 218-6099 to discuss our law firm web designs with search engine optimization and blog.
The most important and viewed content on your law firm web site is the Home Page. The content on your law firm’s website Home Page creates interest, credibility and conversion of web visitors into to new clients for you law practice. This is ultimately the first impression or communication set forth between the prospective client and your law firm. Law firm narratives should address the client’s concerns, fears and challenges that they will be facing.
Most law firm’s make the mistake of writing content that is all about the law firm. This is a bad way of selling the law firm and is offensive to most people. Although we tend to think that if we can just tell people how great we are, they will hire us. But that is simply not true.
The most important step in writing an effective law firm narrative is to create a bond between the web visitor and your law firm. The average legal consumer is apprehensive and apathetic toward hiring and engaging a law firm about their legal situation. How often do your prospective clients call at the very last moment?
So the point of your initial statements to prospective website visitors should address the typical concerns you hear about on a daily basis at your law firm. Each practice area has different concerns and should be modified appropriately. For example, a divorce lawyer may want to address the fears of filing for a divorce or the feelings someone may have when they have been served with divorce papers.
When writing you law firm’s website narrative, you should think about your clients’ demographics. Write a description about the typical web site clients you generate. Think about what they tell you they are feeling or fearing. This will help you to develop a narrative that is more on point and effective for converting your web visits into clients.
What if we have more than one practice area of law? This is even better. Write down a description of each client for each area of practice. Then review them and find the common characteristics of each. In many cases, they will be completed different however there may be some similarities in characteristics such as tone, worries or fears, urgency in dealing with the legal issue. Use these commonalities to draft an opening paragraph and then create a specific practice area narrative for each practice area below this opening paragraph.
How important is an effective law firm narrative for web site optimization? Beyond the contextual importance to converting web visitors in to new clients, the content and key phrases utilized within the body of text effects the website’s search engine placement and rankings. Does it include widely used keywords based on real research or keywords you assume people will use? Keyword selection is critical and can be the difference in 1,000s of additional or lost visits per month costing you in added revenues month after month.
At Lawyer Success, Inc. we have attorney writers who write your website content for you utilizing the very best key phrases, search engine optimization strategies and favor the content in a way that speaks well of your law practice. You will be proud to have people visiting your website and read the quality content we will provide to you at a very minimal cost.
Call us today at (769) 218-6099 or visit our subsidiary for writing samples and a free quote.
I have spent nearly a decade marketing law firms of all sizes, practice areas and geographical locations and the one question I always ask to potential or existing clients is: “What are you doing that works?”
One of the interesting ideas I picked up from one of my clients, who is one of the most notable criminal attorneys in my home state was about how out of state attorneys find him on the Web. Well of course, being that I am his website designer and SEO specialist I had to know what I was doing right so I could improve upon it for all my clients.
He said, that the referrals he generates monthly from the website from other attorneys (usually out of state) is through the effective presentation of his criminal defense trial success. He said that the most important things to generate high quality attorney referrals was the following.
1. Be found. Make sure your SEO is comprehensive and you are bidding on key phrases on the major search engines.
2. Update the website frequently because it shows that the law firm is well organized.
3. Make sure your attorney biographies are well written as this is one of the most important and viewed pages of your law firm’s site for referring attorneys.
4. List as many testimonials as you can from satisfied clients and from other legal professionals.
5. Display as many of your awards, credentials, published legal works and association memberships as you can.
My client told me that he typically receives calls from the client themselves. The referral typically has already spoken with their attorney and the referring attorney after reviewing my client’s website assures the referral that my client is the one to help them. My client said, its almost like the referring attorney speaks to their client like we have know each other for years after reviewing our website.
If you would like to learn the criminal defense web marketing and out of state lead generation tips that are so good I won’t release on the website. Call me, James Greenier at (769) 218-6099. I have worked with 7 of the 10 most trafficked legal websites on the Web. I also have advised over 3,500 law firm clients since 2000.
Ever wonder how important and valuable it is for your law firm to be positioned in the network of social media and user generated content sites like YourTUbe, MySpace, FaceBook, Twitter and the other most widely used social networking sites?
Check out this video and then call Lawyer Success, Inc for a free law firm social media design and SEO consultation. Call (769) 218-6099 for assistance in the social media generation.
The most effective law firm websites will leave the visit with a feel of WOW! You only have 8 seconds to make a good impression on your website’s new visitors. In the past, an eye-catching lawyer website would be problematic since a lot of graphical elements will increases the overall size of the web pages resulting in a slow web page upload on the the potential law firm client’s browser. So when we design high impact web designs for attorneys, we place emphasis on making sure that the site has a quick downloading speed to prevent visitors leaving too prematurely.
As the average internet bandwidth rate per computer is increasing due to workplace T1, broadband and cell phone 3G networks becoming more common, many law firm web design experts are able to develop complex websites heavily loaded with graphic elements. This may include using flash elements and presentations, mouseovers, drop downs, and web videos. In today’s high speed Internet age, most websites take only a few seconds to load the key features such as the logo, call to action graphics and web content on the visitor’s web browser. This is key so the visitor can start reading the website.
Obviously most users will not wait too long for the website to load completely before moving to the other competing law firm websites in the same search results. The problem you may encounter with inexperienced web designers for lawyers is the webmasters are only familiar with developing slow loading sites due to a lack of knowledge of graphic optimization techniques which can allow them to prepare an attractive website with smaller page size. There are not too many lawyers who are familiar with CSS enough to be able to spot a the high level of programming required to make an award winning attorney website load quickly.
Law Firm Website Conversion Tip: High conversion rates occur when you have a very impressive website. A law firm website is the face of your law firm and speaks volumes about your credibility, attention to detail, customer service and technological prowess. But you must make the load times for your website speedy in order to ensure you do not lose a potential customer who loses interest waiting for the web page to upload. An experienced law firm web design company will slice the custom web design into small images to be used in the html code. Slicing the images is required if your design contain enclosed shapes and overlapping images or areas with gradient colors, so that you will get a small file size which can be easily loaded on the web browser.
At Lawyer Success, “Your Success is Our Business.” Each new client is treated as if they were our only client and we understand that your success with our services is our responsibility and is critical to a long term client for our company. Lawyer Success, Inc. was founded by law firm marketing expert James Greenier. Over the past 11 years, Mr. Greenier has personally worked on, developed or consulted with 7 of the top 10 most trafficked legal websites on the Internet. He also served as the primary web marketing advisor for over 3,500 law firms. He will be your primary contact at all times and will develop the strategy for your project. He will also personally supervise and participate in your project to ensure that you receive the highest level of service, support and performance. For a free consultation concerning content services for your lawyer website call (769) 218-6099 to discuss your project today.
A judge has awarded a San Francisco attorney $7,000 in damages in a rare trial under California’s anti-spam law – $1,000 for each unsolicited, misleading commercial e-mail he received.
Daniel Balsam, who started suing spammers even before he graduated from law school in 2008, filed suit against Trancos Inc., a Redwood City advertising company, over a series of ads that showed up in his personal e-mail in-box in 2007.
The “from” line in each e-mail named a nonexistent source – for example, “Your Promotion,” “Paid Survey” or “Join Elite.” At least one message had a subject line, promising recipients $5 to complete a survey, that the judge described as misleading. None of the advertising e-mails named Trancos, which sent all the messages.
The ads violated California’s 2004 anti-spam law, Judge Marie Weiner of San Mateo County Superior Court said in a March 10 ruling. The law prohibits sending an uninvited commercial e-mail from California, or to a California recipient, that misrepresents either the source or the subject.
The federal government has a similar law, but it allows suits only by the government or an Internet service provider and not by individual recipients. California allows suits by consumers and provides damages of $1,000 for each serving of spam, even if, like Balsam, the recipient didn’t accept any of the offers and lost no money.
Some anti-spam suits have been tried in small claims courts, but lawyers on both sides of Balsam’s case said it appeared to be the first suit by a consumer to go to trial in Superior Court. Weiner presided over the nonjury proceedings in October.
“Advertisers who work to hide their identities are violating consumer trust,” said Timothy Walton, Balsam’s lawyer in the case.
Trancos’ lawyer, Robert Nelson, described his client as “a successful, ethical Internet advertising business,” and said it would appeal the ruling.
He argued that spam is largely regulated by federal law and that only a consumer who is actually defrauded and suffers losses – which Balsam did not claim – is entitled to sue under state law.
Weiner rejected that argument in her ruling, saying Congress allowed states to prohibit deceptive e-mail headers, subject lines and content.
She said Trancos had deliberately sought to “impair a recipient’s ability to identify, locate or respond to it as the initiator of the e-mail” and is liable for damages.
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