Posts Tagged ‘yahoo directory attorney’

This is How Yahoo's Directory Really Ranks its Directory Listings

Tuesday, June 17th, 2008

This is How Yahoo’s Directory Really Ranks its Directory Listings

In this article about submitting your web site to the Yahoo! Directory, you will learn a trick or two to improve your listing so that you may boost your rankings at the same time. Understand that the Yahoo! Directory is a web site directory and not a search engine.

The Yahoo! Directory will ONLY use the information submitted via its How to Suggest Your Site submission form to create the directory listing title and description. Did you catch that?

The 4 directory ranking factors are:

  1. Site title
  2. Domain name / URL
  3. Directory category
  4. Site description

Your submission will then reviewed by a human editor to ensure the information submitted is appropriate and correct. It is typical that a listing editor will edit the submitted information to fit its own editorial guidelines.

Remember Yahoo! will not send spiders to gather information from your web site. The amount of search engine optimization on your web pages will have any effect on your Yahoo! Directory listing’s rankings.

This means that the fate of your site’s ranking in the Yahoo! Directory will be dependent on the information that you submit to its site submission form. Also, once your site has been accepted into the Yahoo! Directory, you are stuck with the listing title, description and ranking. Unless there is an error in the listing title or description, or your site has changed completely, Yahoo! will not allow you to make any changes to your listing.

With the Yahoo! Directory being the most popular directory on the Web, the results could play a major part on the success of your web site.