Posts Tagged ‘How to get a lawyer with no money’

How to get a lawyer with no money

Tuesday, March 30th, 2010

So how do you get a lawyer with no money? To work for you for free? First I understand that times are tough and legal services are expensive, but do not make a mistake and not hire an attorney. In most cases, if you need a lawyer then hire one. The cost of not hiring an attorney or hiring the cheapest lawyer in town could and most likely will cause you a lifetime of suffering.

Any very important legal situation that could potentially alter the rest of my life would make me figure out a way to scrounge up the money needed to hire a good lawyer! Again legal issues can affect you for the rest of your life and without a reputable and experienced lawyer, the damage of not having a good lawyer could be very costly.

However here is the information on how to get a lawyer with no money.

– Start by find the right attorney first. Do you need a divorce attorney? Do you need a car accident lawyer?

– Some lawyers only charge by contingency fee basis which means some cases they only get paid if they collect money for you.

– Ask your local Bar association for a list of pro bono lawyers in your area.

– Do you have a skill that an attorney may trade for legal services?

– Do you know someone in your family or friend’s family who is a lawyer?

– Do you have property that could be used instead of making a payment?

– Can you find a part time job to pay for the legal services? A lawyer might be able to get you a continuance in order for you to raise the money.

– Ask family and friends to help you or do odd jobs for friends and family to raise the money.

– Visit your local Labor Ready or Manpower job sites to earn some quick dollars.

– Do you ave a news worthy case? Some cases change the case law or grab headlines. If so, there would be many great attorneys willing to work you case for the opportunity to gain notoriety or to set a precedent.

The point is that you can afford an attorney if you put forth the plan to make payment arrangements, get a continuance, ask for odd jobs, etc. Remember the cost of not having a lawyer or a good lawyer could cost you much more in the long run!

I hope this may help be able to obtain a good attorney. Lawyers are important when you face serious legal issues.