FaceBook should be impossible for any marketing savvy lawyer to ignore. FaceBook membership is now at over 350 million users worldwide. But why is this important for law firms? Why is social networking sites vital to client development practices for consumer based law firms?
Answer #1- Audience. Web users are now integrating more tools and communication channels in their everyday lives. It is becoming more an more common for people to update their FaceBook page and check updates via their cell phones through mobile web access or via text messaging.
Here are the FaceBook user statistics since January 1, 2010.
- More than 350 million active users
- 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
- More than 35 million users update their status each day
- More than 55 million status updates posted each day
- More than 2.5 billion photos uploaded to the site each month
- More than 3.5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week
- More than 3.5 million events created each month
- More than 1.6 million active Pages on Facebook
- More than 700,000 local businesses have active Pages on Facebook
- Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans
Answer #2 – Access. The value of social networking websites to lawyers really begins to take root as more Facebook users being to learn and understand how to use the website. Because there is such a large draw of users, the website has the opportunity to assist its users beyond uploading photos or making comments. The users can use the FaceBook search engine to search for experts, for research material, obtain referrals through their social network, check out recommendations and so much more.
Basically, I call social networking sites, like Facebook, “Word of Mouth in the Virtual World.” We all understand the value and power of client referrals.
Customized FaceBook for Law Firms – What we recommend
- Custom logo or photo
- Updates Wall
- Compete contact information
- Free Case Evaluation Web Form
- Legal Services Pages – otherwise known as a Practice Areas Page
- Twitter Feed
- Email or enewsletter sign up page
- Search Engine Optimization of FaceBook Fan Page
Are FaceBook Fan Page’s ethical for lawyers to participate. Depends on how you use them. If you set up a law firm FaceBook Fan Page like a website than you are OK. The issue under debate by most states bar associations is how you promote them. If you are pushing the law firm FaceBook Fan Page to users on FaceBook who your firm does not have a relationship, then you will be in violation of the common lawyer non-solicitation rules.
Keep in mind that a FaceBook Fan Page for lawyers and law firms is nothing more than a mini website. The only difference is the ability for users to search for you, refer other people to you through FaceBook, and the ability to keep in contact with people who signed up to be a fan of your law firm’s FaceBook Fan page.
Other Benefits for starting a law firm Facebook Fan page include:
- More exposure to the major search engines. Google and other search engine will index FaceBook Fan pages if they are optimized well and have certain settings activated on the FaceBook Fan Page.
- Viral Marketing – Friends, family, collegues and clients can promote your FaceBook Fan page on their FaceBook pages. This really multiples your reach to potential new clients.
- Links to your law firm website
- Builds credibility – having a large FaceBook Fan base is better and more ethical than having client testimonials on a website. It is far more impressive to potential clients when they see that your law firm is well connected and has a lot of followers.
- Communication – Attorneys that have a FaceBook Fan Page are able to stay in contact with clients without have to send letters, cards or unwanted emails. By simply logging into your FaceBook account you can instantly send important firm news or helpful information to your fans.
- Comments made through your law firm FaceBook page is indexed in search engines as well increasing your search engine references.
- Becoming a fan of other FaceBook pages can give you even more exposure through their network. We recommend only joining FaceBook Fan sites or Friends with people or organizations that you know to avoid any solicitation violations.
Customized FaceBook For Law Firms