Archive for May, 2012

Content Strategy for Your Legal Website

Friday, May 11th, 2012

Content strategy is a plan for creating and publishing useful, usable content on your legal website. In order to fully realize that goal, you must not only define—at least in your own mind—which content will be published, but you must be able to articulate why each piece will be published at all. If you don’t have a good understanding of your expectations from each published article, then there can be little reason to publish.

Content strategy should define your firm’s primary theme and intended message, cover the various topics you feel most important to your firm, explain how your articles will make the leap from what your business requires to what your potential clients need and finally will analyze any potential gaps in your content. Of course all content strategy plans should include a comprehensive discussion of SEO, taking into consideration the latest, most up-to-date search engine requirements including Google’s algorithms.

What Should I Be Looking For When Mapping Out Content Strategy?

Your first concern falls under the wide umbrella of editorial needs. These are the guidelines under which all content is governed, so to speak. They are the values, the voice, the tone and the legal concerns as well as the calendar which dictates the cycles you will publish under. Next is the web writing itself, which must be both high quality and imminently usable not to mention specifically intended for online publication. As most web writers know, there is an entirely different writing technique used for online publications as compared to print.

Online articles are shorter, more concise, and depend heavily on attention-grabbing headlines. Online articles generally hit the reader with a fast burst of information in the hopes of holding their attention to the end of the article. If you haven’t hooked your web reader within five seconds or less, research shows you have likely lost them for good. A great web writer will understand the user experience design, will be able to write effective metadata as well as manage an ever-changing content landscape.

Search engine optimization is a large part of content strategy as it seeks to increase the potential relevance of articles to specific search engine keywords. There will be a process of editing and organizing all content on each page as well as across the firm’s website. As technology constantly shifts and changes, content management strategy will attempt to capture, store, deliver and preserve the organizations content.

Content—Complicated and Messy

After the initial wave of writing content for a legal website, the time constraints usually set in, and the enthusiasm tends to wane. It’s at this point that website owners want to bury their head in the sand and pray that the content part of their website becomes someone else’s problem. It begins to feel complicated and messy and becomes the incredibly junky closet you throw everything into and try to avoid looking at.

At this point it’s time to engage in honest content dialogue with all those involved in the content of the firm’s website. Content dialogue must first expand the audience, attempting to engage a broader audience of consumers, and will also realize that everyone involved has a stake in the future of web content. Content and the practice of content strategy absolutely deserve our time and attention yet until we begin to treat it as the critical asset it is, worthy of planning and meaningful investment, it is likely we will keep turning out the same old stuff. It’s really not someone else’s problem. Learn about content strategy, practice it and promote it—your website will thank you for it.

Separating Presentation and Content on Your Legal Website

Thursday, May 10th, 2012

Any time you display information on a webpage, the actual content and presentation are tied together; the information is tied to the visual design and the reader must be able to access the information then interpret it. The ultimate goal of the web is to make the content accessible to every user. Web content is neither tied to a specific operating system, software or even a computer—web content can be accessed on a wide variety of devices even some kitchen appliances can read web documents. The content can be displayed in a dizzying array of sizes, colors and fonts, limited only by the reader’s imagination. The goal of achieving device independence as well as access for all therefore must lie in the separation of presentation and content.

For those who are unclear about what exactly constitutes content and presentation, content refers to the information in your web pages as well as how that information is structured. Structure may appear to be somewhere floating between content and presentation however presentation would be meaningless without structure therefore the structural elements belong more clearly to the content side. Presentation encompasses all the ways the content—and the structure of the content—is presented. Anything which controls how the content appears rather than what it actually says is presentation.  The separation of content and presentation may seem like a foreign concept since most of us are accustomed to making the visual choices related to content such as headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.

The Benefits of Separation

By separating the content from the presentation on your website you will ensure your web pages are more widely accessible to your potential clients. In practical terms, however, it can be extremely difficult to maintain the distinction between presentation and content since often we are unable to see the difference between what is being communicated and how it is being communicated. When you realize that even the most poorly formatted document nonetheless has a presentation in the form of layout, fonts, etc., you understand the difficulty in the clear separation.

How to Achieve Separation

The first step in the overall idea of separation is to build structure into web documents through the use of HTML which encodes headings, paragraphs and lists. The document which results from this step is richer in meaning and can be accessed by any web-enabled device in the necessary format. Think of your overall intentions when attempting to separate content from presentation—what is your content goal for your web users, and what do you think potential clients intend to do with that content? Do you think it is what they are searching for, what they need to answer their most pressing questions and problems?

To begin separation, start with plain text—that is, text which is placed in a notepad on Windows. Then use HTML tags which clearly mesh with the meaning of the content. Remember, HTML tags should describe the text placed inside rather than be placed simply to achieve a desired “look.” Double-check to ensure you are not accidentally placing presentation markup when new content is created and learn all the styles available to you. Take a look at your finished product—it should be simple, crisp and clear and you should know exactly what each HTML tag is being used for.

In the end, the separation of presentation and content can stop a simple design tweak from becoming a full-fledged re-design. Isolating content ensures adding and updating will be as simple as possible while design consistency is maintained throughout your sight. While the separation of content and presentation can make you want to throw up your hands in despair—don’t. There is plenty of high-quality help available to make the process as simple as possible.

Is Your Content Doing Its Job?

Wednesday, May 9th, 2012

You’ve probably heard about content that “works for a living,” but may not be entirely sure what that means. In truth, web copy is largely written by people who are not truly writers, don’t have sufficient time and under circumstances which are far from ideal. Considering the financial state of our nation, this is not a trend that is likely to improve any time soon. What we can do is insist that anyone who touches our cop—whether it is the writer, the proofreader, the editor or the owner of the website—makes sure that every chunk of text is actually doing something concrete. All copy should have a specific goal in reaching the targeted visitor.

Most of us have typed in a search query and somehow landed on a page that appears to have absolutely nothing to do with what we were looking for. Other times we encounter copy which is baffling enough or poorly written enough to send us hitting the “back” button as fast as we can. Users encounter jargon, buzzwords and fluff in overwhelming amounts with meaning which is apparently hidden so deeply as to be unrecognizable. Don’t do this to your own web visitors, rather make absolutely certain that your copy both has a goal and is consistently meeting that goal.

Look at Your Site, Then Answer These Questions

If you can answer the following questions in a meaningful way for each and every page on your legal website, you will have reached the level of excellence you were striving for—if not, never fear, there is help available. First, who is the product or service for, and can that targeted group clearly see that you are speaking directly to them. Can people who are not within the targeted audience tell that you are not speaking to them quickly and easily? What exactly is your product or service? This sounds like a no-brainer, but have you clearly spelled out—in simple language—exactly what your firm is and what you do?

Remember that your nouns should be as concrete as you can possibly make them. What does your particular service actually do for your target client? If you can’t answer this question from looking at a specific web page, then your user won’t be able to either. If your service’s primary features and benefits are laid out clearly and concretely, then it will be readily apparent what you will do for a potential client. Finally, does each page tell your user why your service is better than the vast array of available alternatives? Do you have evidence to back up your claims, and have you presented that evidence in a clear, professional manner?

Using Your Title Tag

The title tag is meant to build your visitor’s expectations, giving them an honest peek into the content located on your pages. The primary reasons website visitors leave a page is because the title tag misled them into thinking they would find what they were looking for, yet leaving them disappointed. Be as descriptive as possible in creating a title tag so as to eliminate any guesswork on the part of your visitors.

Further Thoughts on Content

Next, the content on your pages must fill a specific need, must be a practical solution to a serious problem and must give your reader an idea of how you can help them. In addition to all that, your content must also be interesting and capture the attention of your reader, coaxing them to spend more time on your website and, ultimately, to return. Your content must not only be unique, it must be organized in such a way that your users can easily scan through the pages, finding what they need. Finally, consider the fact that people like clicking on buttons and getting the desired result because it is a form of communication and it gives them quick results. Use this fact to create interactive content related to the subjects on each page and you may just be able to hold the web user’s attention long enough to garner a conversion.

Is Your Legal Website “Learner-Friendly?”

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Today’s learners have a virtual arsenal of multimedia learning platforms merely a click away—in fact some consider the internet the greatest contributor to the learning process since the printing press was invented. Well, that’s certainly the theory and the potential of the web in any case. The reality tends to be a bit less spectacular. While most web owners and web creators spend hours and hours creating fabulous, flashy, imminently usable and always-accessible interfaces to host their hopefully high-quality content, the goals of the learner can be largely forgotten. In other words we have become so focused on keywords and headlines that reach out and grab the reader’s attention that we’ve let the content-rich website which actively encourages learning and exploration fall by the wayside.

Now as a legal professional, you may well wonder why you should care whether your firm’s website it learner-friendly—after all, your primary goal is to get conversions, right? Well, yes and no. Of course the overall goal of your website will be to reach those you might not otherwise reach, promote your specific services and end with lots of happy, satisfied clients. While this is certainly a worthy goal, it can benefit your business to take a closer look at what your users really want. Most people who seek out a legal website have a specific problem that they need information about. To provide this information in the most succinct manner possible, there are several things to keep in mind.

Narrative—Essential to Learning

All human communications essentially revolve around storytelling—we use storytelling both to create an emotional connection with one another and to convey information. Writers use narrative to connect what they know about the world with what their readers already know and want to know about the world. A story is exchanged and a personal connection is made. Through the information presented the reader is able to actually build their own narrative as they work their way through your legal website. Bits and pieces of information are soon converted into real knowledge. Your web users come to your website in an attempt to find information germane to their specific situation and to their lives. Those who spend their precious and limited time immersed in a content-rich website have the hope of being changed, having their outlook altered or gaining something they did not have before. In order for these hopes to be realized, your website must offer context to your readers in addition to narrative. Context helps your reader get the entire picture, facilitates understanding and, in the end, changes our way of thinking.

Remembering the Different Learner-Styles

Just as children learn in different ways, adults also have different styles of learning. While some prefer very structured, organized methods of learning—others will prefer a learning path which requires a bit of exploration. Therefore while the traditional navigational layout may appeal to many users, others may prefer a path of discoverability. If you are unsure what discoverability really means, think about Wikipedia which allows the reader to skip from one type of content to another, providing links which facilitate the ability to change topics easily without stopping the flow. Those who have used Wikipedia know that while they may have begun reading about a nuclear site in New Mexico they may have ended up reading about a horse farm in Maine. A stretch, but you get the idea! You can satisfy both types of learners by keeping your logical, well-laid out navigational tools while adding hyperlinking and visual representations of your message. In the end, you want to remember that your legal website should be a meaningful participant in a much greater story and should seek to create content that is truly worth discovering.

Homepage Usability Guidelines

Monday, May 7th, 2012

Your law firm’s homepage is the face it presents to the world at large and for most visitors is the starting point. Although users may land on other pages in your site, most often the homepage is your first opportunity to make that critical first impression, hook your reader and convince them to keep reading. Anything which improves the usability of your homepage adds to the overall value of your website, making it definitely worth the investment. When you consider your site’s homepage, think of it as a piece of extremely valuable real estate. This prime real estate allows your potential clients to carefully consider the benefits of doing business with your firm as compared to another law firm. Homepages typically garner more page views than any other part of your website therefore it only makes sense to ensure that homepage is imminently usable and enhances the overall value of your firm’s website. You may be unsure of the quickest way to improve your prime real estate, so here are a few tips:

  1. Use Your Graphics Wisely—Rather than simply “decorating” your site with stock images you’ve found in all the really cool places on the Internet, remember that your images have the ability to convey a powerful message when they accurately portray scenes that mesh with your content and are of interest to your users, but when those images appear irrelevant in any way, your readers can become disillusioned quickly. If you can’t provide graphics which are extremely honest and relevant to your copy, it might be better to skip them altogether.
  2. Don’t Go Crazy With the Visual Design Elements—The goal of your homepage is to offer simplicity and extreme usability. The addition of elaborate illustrations and colors can cause your users to dismiss your design elements as ads, sending their eyes to parts of your page which truly offer the help they are seeking.
  3. Have a Clearly State Purpose for Your Site—Your homepage is your first opportunity to explain clearly who you are, what you do and how you can help your user. You can do this quickly by starting your homepage with a tagline which effectively summarizes what your company can do to help your user. If your marketing slogan is less than stellar, your tagline is even more important.
  4. Place Your Firm’s Information in a Specific and Distinct Area—While this may not be the most pressing need of your users, should your high-quality content result in a reader who wants to fill out a contact form, send your firm and e-mail or give you a call, the details of your company should be readily accessible, easy to find, and should support your overall credibility. Having an “About Our Firm,” section can be a great way to link your users to further in-depth information than will comfortably fit on your homepage.
  5. 5. Make it Easy to Find Exactly What Your Users are Looking For—Clear navigation on your homepage can give your users a clear starting point. Websites which offer a search box for their website can give users concise directions for finding what they need in the quickest manner possible. Remember also that when you move certain articles or promotions off your homepage into the site former users may come to your site, remember the prior articles and wonder where to find them. To help your users, keep a short list or recently featured items on the homepage or link to a permanent archive. 

All in all, if you simply remember how important first impressions are when designing your homepage, you will hit a home-run and reach the level of conversions you desire.

Understanding Homepage Real Estate

Friday, May 4th, 2012

You may question just how much space you should allocate to your valuable homepage real estate and it is certainly a valid concern. Research shows that corporate homepages are truly the most valuable space in the Internet world, yet much of this valuable real estate is very inefficiently allocated. The homepage of your firm’s website must immediately give your potential clients the valuable information they need while offering the highest level of navigation for what they will find on your other pages. The purpose of your firm as well as how you can help your potential client solve his or her current problem in the most efficient manner should be readily apparent. Using your log and tagline efficiently are the first things to consider then there should be a warm welcome for your users.

Why is the Homepage Important?

The homepage is the page which is most indexed by the search engines, and overall sets the entire tone and theme for your firm’s website. Additionally, the homepage serves as an orientation of sorts to your users, letting them know they’ve landed in the right place and that your firm offers exactly what they need at this very moment. Consider your homepage as a sort of “funnel,” which can first welcome your user and let them know they are at the right place, then efficiently direct them to where they need to be next.

Your homepage offers a preview of the services your firm provides, not a comprehensive index. In other words, think of your homepage as a sort of “teaser,” which, while not offering the entire range of your services, does give them a tantalizing taste of your firm. You don’t want to overwhelm your reader by slamming them with information, rather strive to sprinkle your benefits and related keywords throughout the site.

Use Your Links Wisely and Create a Clear Navigation

Remembering the funnel which directs your users deeper into your site depending on their specific needs try linking only your main sections from your homepage then provide further links from the main sections. Presenting your user with a plethora of links on your homepage can send them running to a less overpowering site. When presenting the copy on your homepage, try to imagine you are addressing one single ideal client.

How Does the Page Fold Affect Your Website?

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

While you may be aware of the page fold theory of a print newspaper, there is also a “virtual” page fold which exists on all websites which consists of the initially viewable area, or the part of your site which is viewable without the necessity of further action. Studies show that web users spend over ¾ of their time perusing information above the page fold, meaning that while they may scroll down, only twenty-something percent of the average reader’s attention travels below the fold. In the Web’s infancy, users often neglected to scroll down at all, looking only at the information which was immediately visible.

Critical Information Must Be Readily Apparent

For this reason, websites soon learned that if their most critical information was not visible immediately, users likely would not see it at all. By the late 1990’s, however, users were becoming more comfortable with the scrolling. Unfortunately, today’s web users have not progressed much beyond that initial comfort zone, and usability findings of the information below the fold remains fairly steady at 20-22%. So, while some users will scroll down your legal pages, remember that the average web user has a very limited attention span due to the busy-ness of day-to-day life.

Web users want to find the information they need quickly and efficiently, and don’t want to read any more words than they actually have to. This means that the space above the fold is the most valuable real estate on your website. That being said, if you have an extremely well-written, high-quality article full of information your readers will find incredibly helpful, it will likely still be better to present it as one scrolling article than to spread it across multiple pages. Even assuming your users will scroll due to the fact they find your article particularly compelling, you will still want to prioritize and ensure the truly important items appear above the fold.

Google’s Take on Information Located Above the Fold

January of this year saw a new Google algorithm which actually addressed above-the-fold user experiences. The basic theory of this algorithm states that if the information above the fold is so “busy” or crammed with information that visitors would have a hard time getting to the actual content the search results referred heads will roll. When users are unhappy about their web experience on a particular website, Google also becomes unhappy in an algorithmic kind of way and will certainly make their wrath known.

Further, if you have top-loaded your website with ads, you risk Google penalties. Any site which offers content buried under a pile of ads will be affected by the algorithm. Users want to see highly targeted content which effectively answers their most pressing question of the day immediately when they click onto a website and will resist scrolling down to find what they need.  Google wants to see your most important text and links early on so it can quickly confirm what your page is all about. To accomplish this, a great paragraph early in the page design can serve as an effective introduction to your site and your firm.

Above-the-Fold Elements Which are Crucial to Your Success

To ensure your potential clients remain firmly on your legal website, the information above the fold must be intriguing, interesting and visually appealing. A key technique for good user interface in above-the-fold material includes an accurate visual representation off your brand and your specific services—in a nutshell. Don’t forget to include a clear call to action which directs your user to the next stop; this will keep your user focused on the initial task at hand.

Achieving Artistic Distance When Contemplating Your Legal Website

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2012

Like any creative endeavor designing your firm’s website can truly be a labor of love, even if it is mostly tagged as “commercial.” The successful web solutions created on a daily basis are nonetheless based on sound principles of art and design even for those who have yet to take a course on the subject of web design. If we accept that all website design is truly artistic—probably on several levels—we must also accept that just like artists we can get too close to our creation. When this closeness becomes “too much,” then we can form a mental block which prevents us from seeing what might be obvious flaws to others. Those who can apply artistic distance when looking at their website are more readily able to create a much more successful website which can lead to higher rates of conversion for your firm.

Many of those who have been in the business of website creation for any significant length of time are aware of the industry’s tendency to shy away from challenging the status quo, meaning a well-constructed analysis of another’s website can be met with ridicule or anger. If the goal of website creation is truly to continue to raise the bar for design and content, the objective discussions on the subject are essential. In any case, like anything we human beings create, when we have looked at our own creation for days, weeks or months on end, it can be extremely difficult for us to offer any kind of objective assessment of something we have put our heart and soul into. Being able to critique your own work requires a level of honesty and impersonality which is not always easy to achieve.

How to Achieve Artistic Distance

So, you want to know if your painstakingly created legal website is spot on, or if it could use some tweaking—or even a complete overhaul? If you have colleagues who you trust to offer an honest opinion, backed up with concrete comments, then give them the opportunity to look at the site and give you feedback. If you happen to be a one-man island, then you must learn the art of self-critique. When considering the overall design of your site, get up and back away from your computer screen to more fully get the overall impact your site offers the user. Does the layout appear to make good visual sense or is it too busy or even too minimalistic? Move closer and look again. Is there a clear visual path which allows your users to easily find mandatory items? Illustrators have been known to turn their work upside down to identify any potential problems with perspective. This technique forces the brain to temporarily reboot in order to understand the visual impact and can also point out flaws in your overall composition.

Take a Look at Your Color Scheme

Even if you are absolutely certain your color palette is flawless, convert it to grayscale temporarily to get the full impact of your color choices. We humans can become extremely emotionally attached to a certain color theme and may not realize that it is not working as it should for the overall website effect.  Along with your attachment to your color scheme you can also find you’ve created a bond with your entire web design, at least in your head. Walk away from your design, for at least a few days then come back to it with a fresh eye. You may be surprised to see things which need tweaking that you simply didn’t see before. This technique works just as well with content. Walk away from your written words for a while then come back and read over. You will likely be shocked at the mistakes you absolutely did not see before your break and may even see an entirely different direction you should take your words. In short, your goal is to get to the place where you can contemplate your design elements and content on their own merits rather than on an emotional level. When you’ve achieved this goal, your website will absolutely improve.

Copy that Meshes With Your Web Design

Tuesday, May 1st, 2012

Great web design never just happens by accident rather it’s the result of skill, talent, perseverance and process which accurately answers the questions regarding your site’s intended user. It conveys a specific voice, perspective and point of view which you have likely researched endlessly in order to achieve. You have a specific strategy and you have labored over every single detail, yet when all is said and done, you realize that your content has taken an unfortunately backseat to the design elements—a fact which is hurting your overall site and lowering your rate of conversion. For many, when they are finally at the end of the design phase, there is simply little creativity left over to devote to the content of the pages resulting in content that simply doesn’t work with the overall design of your website.

How to Make Your Content Mesh with the Design

Even if you’ve written content that fits the overall theme of your site, does it actually fit into the site? In some cases even though the written words fit physically, they fail to ring true for the intended users. What this means is that along with a design theme for your pages, you also need a copy “voice,” which meshes with that theme. The best way to ensure your voice matches your design is to ask yourself a few key questions. Who are your targeted visitors? What do you think those visitors most want to know, to do, to have answered? How do you want to make your users feel, and how will you persuade them to identify with your particular website to the point they will become a client? Attorneys talk to people every single day—this is, after all, your passion and how you make your living. When taking an objective look at your site’s content, pretend you are having a conversation with a client who just walked into your office. Are you achieving the same results with your written words?

Does Content Precede Design?

Some believe that content should actually come before design and that design minus the content is simply decoration. The underlying message is that quite often web designers create their magic without a single clue of what content will be added to the pages. Unfortunately, simply slapping some hastily-written words into a pre-existing design can cause your site to take a significant negative hit. The design should always reinforce the message, so if you are unclear about your message, then how can the perfect design for your business be created? Web designers should be aware of the potential length, tone, style and structure of the copy to come and should ideally create the surrounding visual elements to support this content, creating an experience which works together for the benefit of the user.

What Your Web Designer Must Know

The designer of your site must be aware of the number of navigational areas which will exist on each page of the website as well as any particular themes in the content which could potentially be extended into the visual design. Any requirement for content such as testimonials, definitions or explanations should be conveyed to the web designer as well as the average page length of the content which will be displayed. Particularly for smaller sites, it may not seem viable to consider content ahead of design, however when content becomes as important as design, it is a sure bet the user will have a more positive experience. When design flows with content to the point it is virtually seamless then success has truly been achieved.